The following is a literary representation of the first music video made by the core members of the Blue Blazers, who later became known as the Hong Kong Cavaliers, shortly before the Banzai Insitute's official involvement in Operation Great Justice. This video was released in viral format onto the Internet, both Fen and Dane, on May 1, 2012, one week before SOS-Con. The song, "Calling All Angels," has been called the official anthem of the Blue Blazers, inspiring the members to "Do Some Good" as band keyboardist and vocalist Blackstone likes to say. A variant Blue Blazer emblem was created by BBI Dragon, coordinator of the NorCal Blue Blazer chapters, with angel wings rather than the original, more angular style. This emblem is worn from time to time when Blue Blazers are engaged in charity work or often just because they like to remind the world that they're there to help.
"Calling All Angels"
Hong Kong Cavaliers
Just Here For The Food
(Original Song copyright 2003, Columbia Records. Written by Charlie Colin, Patrick Monahan, Jimmy Stafford, and Scott Underwood)
The video opens with Blackstone
walking through a stark inner city neighborhood. It is overcast and
gray. The coat that he’s wearing is battered and does little to
shelter him from the wind. He has both hands shoved in his pockets.
He sings to the world:
need a sign to let me know you're here
All of these lines are
being crossed over the atmosphere
looks up into a clear cold sky, as a single jet liner flies high
overhead, crossing through several other jet trails.
need to know that things are gonna look up
'Cause I feel us
drowning in a sea spilled from a cup
passes several lonely and forlorn looking people on the nearly empty
street. They do not look at him, but past or through him with numb
expressions. He pauses to look down at the Styrofoam cup that has
fallen halfway out of the hand of an unconscious homeless man,
spilling alcohol across the street.
there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you
feel the world shake from the words that are said
attention is drawn to a window over the homeless man’s head, where
a couple, in their mid-twenties, are screaming at each other through
a window. The woman holds a baby on one shoulder and gestures angrily
at the man. The man wears a business shirt with a nametag pinned to
the pocket and a loosened tie. He looks tired, but is shouting just
as fiercely. Both of their faces are angry, and the baby is red-faced
and screaming. With a miserable expression, Blackstone turns away
from them and turns his face to the sky, singing:
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
hand reaches out and catches him on the shoulder. Turning, he sees
Buckaroo Banzai, who smiles in a supportive fashion. He sings:
won't give up if you don’t give up
gestures, and the camera swings up to an old fire escape. Nezumi is
perched on the edge of the second floor platform.
She sings:
won't give up if you don’t give up
jumps from the fire escape, but is caught by J., who has stepped from
the alley. J. has his guitar swung behind him, and he smiles as he
catches Nez. They both sing:
won't give up if you don’t give up
Nezumi and J. point to the alleyway, where Chaos has stepped out. He
grins, and they all sing:
won't give up if you don’t give up
turns ands looks at Buckaroo, who nods. He looks around and sees that
the streets are filled with people, all of whom are lost in their own
troubles. His expression changes, from personal misery to resolve. He
need a sign to let me know you're here
'Cause my TV set just keeps
it all from being clear
he sings, Blackstone walks, with Nezumi, J., and Chaos falling in
step. They pass a long store window where multiple images of
politicians speaking out against the ‘Wavium Diaspora shift to the
ills of the world. As the group passes, the newscasters watch them,
interest on their faces. The images behind the newscasters flicker
and shift to the Banzai Institute logo.
want a reason for the way things have to be
I need a hand to help
build up some kind of hope inside of me
stops at the unconscious man on the sidewalk. With only a moment of
hesitation, he reaches down and pulls the man up. The man blinks, as
if awakening from a dream and falls into step with the four Blazers.
Nezumi knocks on the window of the arguing couple and waves them
outside. They step out onto the street as the Blue Blazers walk past
and follow them. Blackstone turns to look at them and at the people
on the street, singing to them, with the other Blazers in chorus:
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
Blazers round a corner and suddenly the bleak scene dissolves into a
bright, bustling neighborhood. Everywhere there are people helping
other people. Several step past the Blazers to the group that have
followed them, and all of them are wearing armbands, jackets,
ballcaps, or other clothing with the Banzai Institute logo. They wear
open, cheerful expressions, are of varying ethnicities, and are
clearly offering succor and help. As the Blazers step through the
crowd, Blackstone sings to the crowd:
children have to play inside so they don't disappear
Blazers pass a group helping fingerprint small children and pass out
child safety kits with the help of local police. Others hand out
flyers explaining Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts.
private eyes solve marriage lies ‘cause we don't talk for years
small group of men and women, obviously couples, can be seen through
a window, seated in a round table fashion. A middle-aged man, dressed
conservatively except for the Banzai Institute armband, appears to be
leading the discussion. A sign on the window proclaims the building
to be the offices of the Banzai Institute, with a smaller sign that
reads, “Group and Couples Counseling – Free.”
football teams are kissing Queens
and losing sight of having
shakes hands in passing with several sports stars, who are visiting
with young athletes. The stars are all wearing Banzai Institute
shirts, albeit in their team colors rather than the standard blue and
white. On the back of the shirts is the logo “Buckaroo’s Team of
Excellence – Building Better Dreams.” At least one of the stars
is formerly known as a tabloid favorite who has turned his image and
life around.
a world that what we want is only what we want until it's ours
group comes through the crowd to an intersection, singing as they
turn and face the crowd that they have just passed through. The whole
crowd, from the homeless man that Blackstone helped, to the athletes,
are all wearing Blue Blazer insignia and singing along, as the team
faces the people they have helped.
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
Watch One rolls into the camera view behind the group, and the door
swings open. Buckaroo is at the wheel, and he tosses something to
Blackstone. Blackstone shakes it open, revealing it to be a peacoat
of dark wool, with the Banzai Institute emblem on the breast. He
shrugs out of the ratty old coat that he’s been wearing, slides on
the new coat, and catches the fedora that Buckaroo has tossed him. He
seats it on his head, still singing, and points out across the crowd. The crowd sings back to him, responding to his call with their promise.
I'm calling all angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.)
I'm calling all you angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.)
all you angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.) [Repeat
till fade]
camera swings across the crowd of receptive Blue Blazers, as the
group sings the final refrain. Each member of the group climbs
aboard, with Nezumi first, followed by J., then Chaos, and finally
Blackstone. Blackstone pauses and stares directly at the camera. He
points at the viewer as he mouths, “Calling all you angels” a
final time, with an emphasis on “you.” Then he smiles, tips his
hat, and turns into the bus. The door swings closed, and, as the
video ends, pulls away, with the camera turning to watch the crowd
watch the bus leave. The image fades, leaving the words, "I won't give up, if you don't give up."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
"Calling All Angels"
Hong Kong Cavaliers
Just Here For The Food
(Original Song copyright 2003, Columbia Records. Written by Charlie Colin, Patrick Monahan, Jimmy Stafford, and Scott Underwood)
The video opens with Blackstone
walking through a stark inner city neighborhood. It is overcast and
gray. The coat that he’s wearing is battered and does little to
shelter him from the wind. He has both hands shoved in his pockets.
He sings to the world:
need a sign to let me know you're here
All of these lines are
being crossed over the atmosphere
looks up into a clear cold sky, as a single jet liner flies high
overhead, crossing through several other jet trails.
need to know that things are gonna look up
'Cause I feel us
drowning in a sea spilled from a cup
passes several lonely and forlorn looking people on the nearly empty
street. They do not look at him, but past or through him with numb
expressions. He pauses to look down at the Styrofoam cup that has
fallen halfway out of the hand of an unconscious homeless man,
spilling alcohol across the street.
there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you
feel the world shake from the words that are said
attention is drawn to a window over the homeless man’s head, where
a couple, in their mid-twenties, are screaming at each other through
a window. The woman holds a baby on one shoulder and gestures angrily
at the man. The man wears a business shirt with a nametag pinned to
the pocket and a loosened tie. He looks tired, but is shouting just
as fiercely. Both of their faces are angry, and the baby is red-faced
and screaming. With a miserable expression, Blackstone turns away
from them and turns his face to the sky, singing:
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
hand reaches out and catches him on the shoulder. Turning, he sees
Buckaroo Banzai, who smiles in a supportive fashion. He sings:
won't give up if you don’t give up
gestures, and the camera swings up to an old fire escape. Nezumi is
perched on the edge of the second floor platform.
She sings:
won't give up if you don’t give up
jumps from the fire escape, but is caught by J., who has stepped from
the alley. J. has his guitar swung behind him, and he smiles as he
catches Nez. They both sing:
won't give up if you don’t give up
Nezumi and J. point to the alleyway, where Chaos has stepped out. He
grins, and they all sing:
won't give up if you don’t give up
turns ands looks at Buckaroo, who nods. He looks around and sees that
the streets are filled with people, all of whom are lost in their own
troubles. His expression changes, from personal misery to resolve. He
need a sign to let me know you're here
'Cause my TV set just keeps
it all from being clear
he sings, Blackstone walks, with Nezumi, J., and Chaos falling in
step. They pass a long store window where multiple images of
politicians speaking out against the ‘Wavium Diaspora shift to the
ills of the world. As the group passes, the newscasters watch them,
interest on their faces. The images behind the newscasters flicker
and shift to the Banzai Institute logo.
want a reason for the way things have to be
I need a hand to help
build up some kind of hope inside of me
stops at the unconscious man on the sidewalk. With only a moment of
hesitation, he reaches down and pulls the man up. The man blinks, as
if awakening from a dream and falls into step with the four Blazers.
Nezumi knocks on the window of the arguing couple and waves them
outside. They step out onto the street as the Blue Blazers walk past
and follow them. Blackstone turns to look at them and at the people
on the street, singing to them, with the other Blazers in chorus:
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
Blazers round a corner and suddenly the bleak scene dissolves into a
bright, bustling neighborhood. Everywhere there are people helping
other people. Several step past the Blazers to the group that have
followed them, and all of them are wearing armbands, jackets,
ballcaps, or other clothing with the Banzai Institute logo. They wear
open, cheerful expressions, are of varying ethnicities, and are
clearly offering succor and help. As the Blazers step through the
crowd, Blackstone sings to the crowd:
children have to play inside so they don't disappear
Blazers pass a group helping fingerprint small children and pass out
child safety kits with the help of local police. Others hand out
flyers explaining Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts.
private eyes solve marriage lies ‘cause we don't talk for years
small group of men and women, obviously couples, can be seen through
a window, seated in a round table fashion. A middle-aged man, dressed
conservatively except for the Banzai Institute armband, appears to be
leading the discussion. A sign on the window proclaims the building
to be the offices of the Banzai Institute, with a smaller sign that
reads, “Group and Couples Counseling – Free.”
football teams are kissing Queens
and losing sight of having
shakes hands in passing with several sports stars, who are visiting
with young athletes. The stars are all wearing Banzai Institute
shirts, albeit in their team colors rather than the standard blue and
white. On the back of the shirts is the logo “Buckaroo’s Team of
Excellence – Building Better Dreams.” At least one of the stars
is formerly known as a tabloid favorite who has turned his image and
life around.
a world that what we want is only what we want until it's ours
group comes through the crowd to an intersection, singing as they
turn and face the crowd that they have just passed through. The whole
crowd, from the homeless man that Blackstone helped, to the athletes,
are all wearing Blue Blazer insignia and singing along, as the team
faces the people they have helped.
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
Watch One rolls into the camera view behind the group, and the door
swings open. Buckaroo is at the wheel, and he tosses something to
Blackstone. Blackstone shakes it open, revealing it to be a peacoat
of dark wool, with the Banzai Institute emblem on the breast. He
shrugs out of the ratty old coat that he’s been wearing, slides on
the new coat, and catches the fedora that Buckaroo has tossed him. He
seats it on his head, still singing, and points out across the crowd. The crowd sings back to him, responding to his call with their promise.
I'm calling all angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.)
I'm calling all you angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.)
all you angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.) [Repeat
till fade]
camera swings across the crowd of receptive Blue Blazers, as the
group sings the final refrain. Each member of the group climbs
aboard, with Nezumi first, followed by J., then Chaos, and finally
Blackstone. Blackstone pauses and stares directly at the camera. He
points at the viewer as he mouths, “Calling all you angels” a
final time, with an emphasis on “you.” Then he smiles, tips his
hat, and turns into the bus. The door swings closed, and, as the
video ends, pulls away, with the camera turning to watch the crowd
watch the bus leave. The image fades, leaving the words, "I won't give up, if you don't give up."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."