Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Jessica Ayanami" ([url=mailto:blue_angel@roughriders.fen[/url])
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 12:45
To: undisclosed-recipients
Hey guys, the boss sends his apologies, but there's been a massive loss of handwavium containment over here at 36 Atalante - Ben and Gina are gonna be occupied over the next couple of days here.
Nonononononono... Don't send anyone to help! At this point that'll just make matters worse. We've pretty much got it all contained now, we're just now going through the cleanup... and that's to say nothing about figuring out what in Osamu Tezuka's name happened here. However, once we do get things straightened out... AC? If you're reading this, Ben wants you to swing by to make a house call. Your the only one he'll trust with this much 'Wave on the loose. His whole damn family (including the dog) somehow got mixed up in this mess and he wants the expert's opinion on how bad it is.
Jess Ayanami
Wondergirl of Mystery and Intrigue
Roughriders, 36 Atalante
Don't call us, we'll call you.
OOC: Truth be told, I am pretty busy ATM. Navy life, ya know? But really, it suddenly came to me that this would be the perfect moment to slot this bit of Roughriders lore into the big picture.
Mal, should we make this GLaDOS's fault? You did pretty much give her free reign.
From: "Jessica Ayanami" ([url=mailto:blue_angel@roughriders.fen[/url])
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 12:45
To: undisclosed-recipients
Hey guys, the boss sends his apologies, but there's been a massive loss of handwavium containment over here at 36 Atalante - Ben and Gina are gonna be occupied over the next couple of days here.
Nonononononono... Don't send anyone to help! At this point that'll just make matters worse. We've pretty much got it all contained now, we're just now going through the cleanup... and that's to say nothing about figuring out what in Osamu Tezuka's name happened here. However, once we do get things straightened out... AC? If you're reading this, Ben wants you to swing by to make a house call. Your the only one he'll trust with this much 'Wave on the loose. His whole damn family (including the dog) somehow got mixed up in this mess and he wants the expert's opinion on how bad it is.
Jess Ayanami
Wondergirl of Mystery and Intrigue
Roughriders, 36 Atalante
Don't call us, we'll call you.
OOC: Truth be told, I am pretty busy ATM. Navy life, ya know? But really, it suddenly came to me that this would be the perfect moment to slot this bit of Roughriders lore into the big picture.
Mal, should we make this GLaDOS's fault? You did pretty much give her free reign.