robkelk Wrote:OOC: Working the timeline here:OOC: Yeah, A.C. may need a little help. On the other hand, given I can't remember the extent of the Roughriders mods at the moment, she'd probably pack them all into the Stallion and head back to the Forge to do the analysis. This also allows the remaining personnel on 36 Atalante to do clean up without all the fuss of everyone else being around and trying to get a grip on things.
Allowing for travel from Prometheus Forge to 36 Atalante (so A.C. can inspect the problem and diagnose the people affected), 36 Atalante to Prometheus Forge (so A.C. can decontaminate herself properly and pick up a new medical kit), and 36 Atalante to Stellvia (for Leda's checkup), that gives A.C. six days with the Roughriders (13-18 February). Plenty of time, for her... but she might need to call another expert for help. I wonder what The Jason is doing at this time?[/i]
- Leda was originally scheduled to see A.C. on the 14th.
- The big spill on 36 Atalante on the 12th will be keeping A.C. busy for a few days, and she'll need to decontaminate herself after that.
- Leda does see A.C. no later than the morning of the 20th, because midday on the 20th is when Noah hears the results of the tests A.C. performs on Leda.
It DOES mean that Leda will probably have to stay on the Forge a few days given the amount of work needed (and for secrecy purposes it could be explained as Leda helping out).
That work any better for people?
Oh, and 'wave decon isn't really a problem when you're 2.5 tonnes of the stuff. All she'd need is a quick shower.