From: "Benjamin Rhodes, Roughriders" (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
To: Operation FIREFALL Mailing List (firefall@sovietairforce.fen)
Date: November 23, 2016
Subj: [FIREFALL] Re:Operational Planning
>StellviaCorp is negotiating with the Solomon Islands to purchase
>outright an atoll that nobody will miss, for target practice.
>I'll allow *one* pre-announced rock-drop only on that atoll, folks. We
>don't need more than one to prove we can hit whatever we want to hit,
>and we want to keep the environmental impact to a minimum. (If
>Featherston thinks we faked the drop, then and only then we can drop a
>second test rock somewhere else.)
Mind if we do the honors, Noah? This new system we have scales nicely (from "kill that bunker only" to "Hiroshima+Nagasaki") and will be accurate within two meters.
>Effective immediately, I'm detaching R. Kagome Mishima from Stellvia to
>serve with the FIREFALL operational staff. She's an excellent tactician
>and strategist; just don't let her talk directly with the enemy. (Or
>anyone else not in the loop, for that matter. Her inability to keep
>quiet is why she's only an OF-3.)
>She can't be the entirety of the FIREFALL operational staff, though;
>we're going to need more experts working alongside her.
I've been of a mind to wake up a new AI for this sort of purpose - the load's been getting to be a bit much for poor little Ruri lately anyhow. I'm thinking of aiming for something along the lines of a Thufer Hawat or a Gurney Halleck. You know, someone with a sense of humor but a definite 'get-it-done' attitude that isn't shy about knifing the baddies in the back when they need deserve it.
>I'm recalling a fair chunk of the GSS from the belt in prep for offensive operations.
>I plan to /offend/ me some Confederates.
Get in line, Chris.
Speaking of which, FYI all our Peacemakers are on standby. Just in case. I know it's a bit early in the game, but you can never be too careful.
-Benjamin Rhodes
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
Will that be blind, broke, or bedlam?
To: Operation FIREFALL Mailing List (firefall@sovietairforce.fen)
Date: November 23, 2016
Subj: [FIREFALL] Re:Operational Planning
>StellviaCorp is negotiating with the Solomon Islands to purchase
>outright an atoll that nobody will miss, for target practice.
>I'll allow *one* pre-announced rock-drop only on that atoll, folks. We
>don't need more than one to prove we can hit whatever we want to hit,
>and we want to keep the environmental impact to a minimum. (If
>Featherston thinks we faked the drop, then and only then we can drop a
>second test rock somewhere else.)
Mind if we do the honors, Noah? This new system we have scales nicely (from "kill that bunker only" to "Hiroshima+Nagasaki") and will be accurate within two meters.
>Effective immediately, I'm detaching R. Kagome Mishima from Stellvia to
>serve with the FIREFALL operational staff. She's an excellent tactician
>and strategist; just don't let her talk directly with the enemy. (Or
>anyone else not in the loop, for that matter. Her inability to keep
>quiet is why she's only an OF-3.)
>She can't be the entirety of the FIREFALL operational staff, though;
>we're going to need more experts working alongside her.
I've been of a mind to wake up a new AI for this sort of purpose - the load's been getting to be a bit much for poor little Ruri lately anyhow. I'm thinking of aiming for something along the lines of a Thufer Hawat or a Gurney Halleck. You know, someone with a sense of humor but a definite 'get-it-done' attitude that isn't shy about knifing the baddies in the back when they need deserve it.
>I'm recalling a fair chunk of the GSS from the belt in prep for offensive operations.
>I plan to /offend/ me some Confederates.
Get in line, Chris.
Speaking of which, FYI all our Peacemakers are on standby. Just in case. I know it's a bit early in the game, but you can never be too careful.
-Benjamin Rhodes
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
Will that be blind, broke, or bedlam?