To: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
From: Bob Schroeck (rms@ourtown.fen)
CC: "The Jason" (the_jason@yggdrasil.fen), "Blackstone" (, "Gen. Mal Fnord, VVS"
(fnord@sovietairforce.fen), A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Ben Rhodes (blackrider@roughriders.fen),
Col. Stephen Caldwell (, Cmdr. Tom Dodge (
Date: November 23, 2016
> Folks, I trust that all of you will be attending. I was serious when I said we can't duplicate our efforts.
The Corners will have a delegation in attendance. As I seem to be the de facto contact (and folks,
how many times do I have say, I'm *not* the captain of the Corners? We *don't* *have* *one*),
I will of course be there. Kat will be along as our resident diplomat, Joe as our tech specialist, and
probably one or two others.
> Third, get our people back. I'll head this up; I hope that Mr. Schroeck, Ms. Peters, and The
> Jason will work with me on finding our lost families and friends.
-- Bob
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
From: Bob Schroeck (rms@ourtown.fen)
CC: "The Jason" (the_jason@yggdrasil.fen), "Blackstone" (, "Gen. Mal Fnord, VVS"
(fnord@sovietairforce.fen), A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Ben Rhodes (blackrider@roughriders.fen),
Col. Stephen Caldwell (, Cmdr. Tom Dodge (
Date: November 23, 2016
> Folks, I trust that all of you will be attending. I was serious when I said we can't duplicate our efforts.
The Corners will have a delegation in attendance. As I seem to be the de facto contact (and folks,
how many times do I have say, I'm *not* the captain of the Corners? We *don't* *have* *one*),
I will of course be there. Kat will be along as our resident diplomat, Joe as our tech specialist, and
probably one or two others.
> Third, get our people back. I'll head this up; I hope that Mr. Schroeck, Ms. Peters, and The
> Jason will work with me on finding our lost families and friends.
-- Bob
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.