OOC: Okay, this is my third attempt at a post in the last 48 hours...
From: "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen
To: Operation FIREFALL Mailing List (firefall@sovietairforce.fen)
Date: November 24, 2016
Subj: [FIREFALL] Re:Visting Hours Are Now Open
Sorry for the silence, Mal, but it was worth it because 36 Atalante's facilities are now at 100% war-footing.
Hi-Lux Armored Modular Ground units are in full production. Yep, you know the one - ugly as a junk-yard dog and tougher than Wovlerine's bones. And we got all kinds of fun modular packages, from anti-armor loadouts to troop transport. My favorite so far is the one my good friend has nick-named the Missile-Bitch. Basicaly, it's a VLS-type launcher packed with our answer to the Stinger missile. And these guys thought that flak-fields were bad news...
Also in production are the MiG-31 Firefoxes I thought would be so nifty a while ago. We rush-built the first two - mine and Gina's. We'll be arriving in those two so you can get a chance to inspect them yourself. The rest, you have first dibs on. We can expect these things to roll off the production line at about two units per week.
And just so you know, they're a match for Eddie's UCAVs because I coupled AC Peter's overall drive system with my Quad-H Ion Directors. I'd thank her for letting me use the design, but she's a tad busy right now. Oh well, I'll just make sure that the basket we send this Christmas is an extra special one.
Also, we've been working on new Peacemakers and that's going to be a saving grace for us. We already have two off of the production lines, with another two on the shakedowns. This leads into my next Big Idea.
I know you've relented on having Grover's Corners as a base ship, but it'd be poor form of me to just do this without asking. We could use a forward-deployed base for our Peacemakers and our Sammies - having a response time that can be clocked in minutes intead of hours is critical. And GC is going to be the closest to the action, if I'm reading Bob correctly.
Also, consider me outbound. I got my course set for Earth and we should be arriving in a few hours. It's going to be myself, Gina, Mayonaka, and Sailor Atalante and her team on the Tough Love. And we're going in full dress-uniform as befits ambassadors of Fenspace. Yes, that includes spurs for us pilots. We're even bringing a few little gifts. Nothing major, but it should give Featherstone an idea of what he's up against. If what's been said about their tech-level is true, then the pocket calculator I'm gonna give him is gonna knock him for a loop.
-Benjamin Rhodes
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
"Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?"
From: Benjamin Rhodes (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
To: General Fnord (fnord@sovietairforce.fen)
Date: November 24, 2016
Subj: Your mission, should you choose to accept it
Mormons? No problem. All I gotta do to get them to the table present them with the possibility of a colony that is trully free of persecution. Don't worry, they may be fundementalists, but they're good people. And you'd appreciate the fact that they're socialists of the first degree.
I'll see who else I can snag. Maybe there's someone that can represent the Hispanic population. I also got my eye out for Native-Americans.
-Benjamin Rhodes
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
"Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?"
OOC: If you are reading this, then I have finally been successful! YATA!!! (^_^) BTW: Mal? Is Darkwood who I think he is?
From: "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen
To: Operation FIREFALL Mailing List (firefall@sovietairforce.fen)
Date: November 24, 2016
Subj: [FIREFALL] Re:Visting Hours Are Now Open
Sorry for the silence, Mal, but it was worth it because 36 Atalante's facilities are now at 100% war-footing.
Hi-Lux Armored Modular Ground units are in full production. Yep, you know the one - ugly as a junk-yard dog and tougher than Wovlerine's bones. And we got all kinds of fun modular packages, from anti-armor loadouts to troop transport. My favorite so far is the one my good friend has nick-named the Missile-Bitch. Basicaly, it's a VLS-type launcher packed with our answer to the Stinger missile. And these guys thought that flak-fields were bad news...
Also in production are the MiG-31 Firefoxes I thought would be so nifty a while ago. We rush-built the first two - mine and Gina's. We'll be arriving in those two so you can get a chance to inspect them yourself. The rest, you have first dibs on. We can expect these things to roll off the production line at about two units per week.
And just so you know, they're a match for Eddie's UCAVs because I coupled AC Peter's overall drive system with my Quad-H Ion Directors. I'd thank her for letting me use the design, but she's a tad busy right now. Oh well, I'll just make sure that the basket we send this Christmas is an extra special one.
Also, we've been working on new Peacemakers and that's going to be a saving grace for us. We already have two off of the production lines, with another two on the shakedowns. This leads into my next Big Idea.
I know you've relented on having Grover's Corners as a base ship, but it'd be poor form of me to just do this without asking. We could use a forward-deployed base for our Peacemakers and our Sammies - having a response time that can be clocked in minutes intead of hours is critical. And GC is going to be the closest to the action, if I'm reading Bob correctly.
Also, consider me outbound. I got my course set for Earth and we should be arriving in a few hours. It's going to be myself, Gina, Mayonaka, and Sailor Atalante and her team on the Tough Love. And we're going in full dress-uniform as befits ambassadors of Fenspace. Yes, that includes spurs for us pilots. We're even bringing a few little gifts. Nothing major, but it should give Featherstone an idea of what he's up against. If what's been said about their tech-level is true, then the pocket calculator I'm gonna give him is gonna knock him for a loop.
-Benjamin Rhodes
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
"Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?"
From: Benjamin Rhodes (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
To: General Fnord (fnord@sovietairforce.fen)
Date: November 24, 2016
Subj: Your mission, should you choose to accept it
Mormons? No problem. All I gotta do to get them to the table present them with the possibility of a colony that is trully free of persecution. Don't worry, they may be fundementalists, but they're good people. And you'd appreciate the fact that they're socialists of the first degree.
I'll see who else I can snag. Maybe there's someone that can represent the Hispanic population. I also got my eye out for Native-Americans.
-Benjamin Rhodes
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
"Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?"
OOC: If you are reading this, then I have finally been successful! YATA!!! (^_^) BTW: Mal? Is Darkwood who I think he is?