To: Operation FIREFALL Mailing List (firefall@sovietairforce.fen)
From: COL Stephen Caldwell (
Date: November 24, 2016
Subj: American Civilians on the ground
I received a satphone call today from Admiral Stavridis (SACEUR). He's been a bit too busy trying to organize responses groundside to make contact with any of us in orbit, but Dodge finally got through to him and managed to explain what's happened to the States. Most people don't think too much about it these days, but the USA has literally hundreds of thousands of people abroad at any time. Has anyone given thought to all the tourists, businessmen, diplomats, and such, currently overseas?
I've got my people contacting various national media agencies to request time for a general announcement. It should go out tonight. Basic summary: Yes, the 'real' USA is still out there somewhere, yes, we will eventually be able to do something about it. We're asking everyone who needs immediate assistance to go to the nearest embassy or consulate. Air transport is going to get everyone to some sort of central location; the question is where.
Greenwood City has space, and claims to be US territory; Australia or Canada are the only dirtside places we can really consider at this point. Nobody else has the combination of space and willingness to take in our lost souls.
Marsden, how much transport capacity do you have available at the moment?
Colonel Stephen Caldwell, USAF
Commanding Officer
Trans-rationality Scientific Assessment Bureau
Space Station Benjamin Franklin
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
From: COL Stephen Caldwell (
Date: November 24, 2016
Subj: American Civilians on the ground
I received a satphone call today from Admiral Stavridis (SACEUR). He's been a bit too busy trying to organize responses groundside to make contact with any of us in orbit, but Dodge finally got through to him and managed to explain what's happened to the States. Most people don't think too much about it these days, but the USA has literally hundreds of thousands of people abroad at any time. Has anyone given thought to all the tourists, businessmen, diplomats, and such, currently overseas?
I've got my people contacting various national media agencies to request time for a general announcement. It should go out tonight. Basic summary: Yes, the 'real' USA is still out there somewhere, yes, we will eventually be able to do something about it. We're asking everyone who needs immediate assistance to go to the nearest embassy or consulate. Air transport is going to get everyone to some sort of central location; the question is where.
Greenwood City has space, and claims to be US territory; Australia or Canada are the only dirtside places we can really consider at this point. Nobody else has the combination of space and willingness to take in our lost souls.
Marsden, how much transport capacity do you have available at the moment?
Colonel Stephen Caldwell, USAF
Commanding Officer
Trans-rationality Scientific Assessment Bureau
Space Station Benjamin Franklin
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.