Quote:The centerpoint was 35deg50' N, 98deg 35' W, roughly in the center of the lower 48. Approximate radius of the effect was 2100km, which covers the contiguous US plus a fair bit more. However, the effect is not perfectly spherical, and follows the borders of the United and Confederate States more or less exactly ( some ocean for the claimed waters).
I forgot about using Google Earth at first. But plugging those parameters in, I revise my earlier statements. If the area of effect weren't hugging borders (and coastlines to a lesser degree) then it wouldn't be taking "half" of Mexico. It would undoubtedly take all of it. And almost all of Canada. (Leaving most of Nunavat territory out of it.) And yes - definitely would take Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti - pretty much almost all of the Carribean Islands. And Baja California. Certainly all of the Gulf of Mexico. Basically any Area of Effect (AOE) big enough to effect the "lower 48" will effect pretty much the entire North American continent and beyond unless the effect is directed and limited as the story says it is.
Quote:As for who, how and why.
Who: Alien Space Bats
How: Undetermined, but probably involving Q-like powers or something that can fake Q-like powers.
Why: Because they can.
...and that's all that needs to be said about that. After managing the shift, the Space Bats are sitting back with a tub of Cosmic Being popcorn and watching the action.
Okay. Fair enough. Ignoring that for now.
What about that whole tectonic thing I mentioned?