Okay, I've let my stuff languish on the Wiki long enough. I've GOT to do something about it. So here's a list of things I'd like to fix. If I'm missing something, would someone kindly let me know?
- Roughriders Portal - need to make one
- Roughriders (General) - needs a massive update... possibly become the portal page
- Pages for new branches of Roughriders: Roughnecks (Construction Batallion), HARDES (R&D, Science, Exlporation), Angels of Mercy (Medical, Search and Rescue, Disaster Relief).
- Updates on all ships
- Updates on all characters
- New pages for new ships and new characters
- Come up with rate and rank system for Roughriders
- Map out 36 Atalante
- Linking. Lots and lots of linking.
- Edit old stories
- Write new ones