TSAB Press release probably read more like
TSAB. Current situations vacant:
Drainage and sanitation consultant. Must have minimum 4 yrs experience dealing with the extraction of scatalogical-ceramic cuboid forms from sanitation devices (c.f. 'brick'). Being a jingoistic 'danecrat considered a plus. Send current C.V. including file photograph and fingerprints to recruitement@tsab.gov.com
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
TSAB. Current situations vacant:
Drainage and sanitation consultant. Must have minimum 4 yrs experience dealing with the extraction of scatalogical-ceramic cuboid forms from sanitation devices (c.f. 'brick'). Being a jingoistic 'danecrat considered a plus. Send current C.V. including file photograph and fingerprints to recruitement@tsab.gov.com
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?