Buckaroo studies the video intently. "Interesting," he says. "She probably equalized her internal pressure as she removed the helmet. She would have to." He pauses for a moment, diverting resources elsewhere, then adds, "I would have to say it's probably not a full android. The body language seems to have some of the inherent, reflexive reactions to environment. Not many, though, so it's most likely a heavy biomod." He studies the face intently for a moment, then closes the window. Turning to the low table he is sitting next to, he pours a small cup of tea, and sips from it.
"Anyone heard of The Sideshow Tragedy?" he asks. "I came across them last week, and Blackstone reports they're quite good in person...."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
"Anyone heard of The Sideshow Tragedy?" he asks. "I came across them last week, and Blackstone reports they're quite good in person...."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."