Cortona raised her hands and laughed.
"Please no combat, that is a prototype software... I am happy that it is not disintegrating on its own like the first too...
It was just a common Interwave joke, nothing more... getting good search results out of Google can be a pain today, too much spammers around that poison the results. So when someone is talking about 'Google-Fu', she means the ability to choose key words wisely on a Google search to get good results... it's not that difficult after you know the basic tricks.
"Hmm... maybe someone should write a few additional utility programs for you so you can use some of your martial arts capabilities in cyberspace. I had some more defensive coding for this Avatar planned too."
EditRemoved the quotes (stupid in a story thread)
"Please no combat, that is a prototype software... I am happy that it is not disintegrating on its own like the first too...
It was just a common Interwave joke, nothing more... getting good search results out of Google can be a pain today, too much spammers around that poison the results. So when someone is talking about 'Google-Fu', she means the ability to choose key words wisely on a Google search to get good results... it's not that difficult after you know the basic tricks.
"Hmm... maybe someone should write a few additional utility programs for you so you can use some of your martial arts capabilities in cyberspace. I had some more defensive coding for this Avatar planned too."
EditRemoved the quotes (stupid in a story thread)