Right. "So Jet, why would a backwater rock like this have a Halcyon node? Aren't they only for Stellviacorp installations or allies?"
Which actually makes sense for them to have as an emergency evacuation point aswell, then.... considering the original comm system overloaded under a simulated evac' load.
Final version of this before it foes on the wiki. Based on comments in the thread. Individual Sabers will have their own profile.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Which actually makes sense for them to have as an emergency evacuation point aswell, then.... considering the original comm system overloaded under a simulated evac' load.
Final version of this before it foes on the wiki. Based on comments in the thread. Individual Sabers will have their own profile.
Quote:Though far from the first group of hardsuited warriors to use the name in Fenspace, this articles deals with the most famous. First appearing with a bang on Genaros station in mid-2025, the Knight Sabers quickly earned notoriety for their handling of the Mia Quincy kidnapping. While the Space Patrol on-station were still negotiating with the terrorists involved, 4 women using Stingray hardsuits and motorslaves stormed the building, handling the terrorists and their cyberdroid heavys with lightning speed.________________________________
All five hostages were freed, before the Sabers disappeared into the city night. The rumour is that they were paid by J.D. Quincy himself for their services.
The Space Patrol immediately started a file on the organisation.
What they know is that the organisation is lead by a woman who styles herself as ‘Sylia Stingray', and who prefers to communicate via puppet or Avatar, using the animated face of Sylia Stingray from the original OVA. The patrol believes that this is the same Sylia Stringray who is the registered owner of Stingray Motor Engineering, who bought the shell company off of Jet Jaguar, and turned it into full-blown custom motorcycle production company, though have never been able to conclusively link both identities.
There are also photographs of Jet Jaguar and Sylia Stingray attending events together at the same time, including an auction for the asteroid 77 Frigga, suggesting a strong link between the two. The technology employed by the group is also known to have been originally developed by Jet, notably the hardsuit-designs and the motorslaves are advancements of models introduced by the Roughriders in 2021.
Jet Jaguar has admitted providing technical assistance, claiming them to be part of ‘her fandom'. As the group are not considered outlaws, this line on inquiry was dropped. Jet could not be compelled to testify. Jet Jaguar is also not the only suspected backer of the group.
The Patrol believe that they have one spacecraft under their control; a modified Roughriders-production Lancer, operating under the callsign ‘KnightWing'. The KnightWing itself appears to operate as some form of mobile AWACS for the group, while also providing some aerial fire-support and transport. The spacecraft has not been registered with any recognised ship registry, and is technically considered a pirate vessel. It has been known to fake the transponder signals of other Lancer.
The identities of the 4 women in hardsuits, or whether one of them is Sylia Stingray or not, is not known. Saber White appears to be the leader of the group and is the most skilled in close combat. Saber Blue tends to be a heavy hitter, carrying some of the most powerful weaponry. Saber Green is far more graceful in her movements, weilding a pair of ribbon cutters like a gymnasts paper ribbons. Pink appears to play more of a battlefield support role, wearing the most technically advanced hardsuit into the field.
One of them is suspected of being a Senshi, based on behavioural analysis, but they all speak through voice-changing radio systems. It is suspected that they may be former OGJ or patrol members, based on observed tactics. They do demonstrate a competent application of Panzer Kunst training, but there have been any number of power-armour wearers trained by the Gruppe. Another possibility, is that they are ‘wavium AI's, biomods, cyborgs or any combination of the above
The group style themselves as mercenaries, though they do not work for everyone. They are most often hired for work under-the-table, which someone may want performed but doesn't want it know it was them performing it. Such work includes recovery of stolen ‘sensitive' equipment, hostage rescue... or strikes against Turnerite bases. They have also engaged in anti-Zwilnik operations.
They are not a registered mercenary organisation and do not report their operational details to the Space Patrol. This also means they walk on a knife-edge between merely being a Space Patrol ‘file' and being declared a full blown Outlaw organisation. They have been known to provide ‘assistance' the the Patrol.... they've even been known to wave their usual fee.
Payment is usually in two parts. Half on accepting the job, half on completion of the job. Sylia reserves the right to walk away if the job was not as advertised, if the client has been in anyway untruthful with her, or if a change in circumstances endanger the group. They promote themselves as being specifically politically neutral in affairs between factions, though they do appear to have several preferred employers. They will also work for hardware, or payment through services.
Sylia will work alongside OGJ and the Patrol. Sylia will not work with any Greenwood-related organisation, or for any mundane government. However, these are not absolute rules. Money talks, and if a job is in line with her personal ethics Sylia may take it. Sylia will never sell the technical upgrades made to her hardsuit and motorslaves. Knight Saber hardware is not for sale.
Their equipment is based off of Stingray hardsuit, with an altered armour layout, enhanced actuators and properly integrated weaponry making them deadly opponents. The motorslaves are bigger and tougher, using the same armour upgrades with a stronger main armament, though appear lack the full AI's used on Roughrider systems.
They are studious about secrecy, jealously guard their identities and their home-base location. Their base, SilkyDoll, is known to be a main belt asteroid, thought it's location and details are unknown. There're countless possibilities, too many to be searched successfully.
Knight Saber tactics are based heavily around speed of assault, and owe a lot to Panzer Kunst training. This stands as further evidence that they were trained by the Gruppe. Their tactics are similar. They show a tendency to avoid using lethal force unless necessary, preferring to rely on speed and evasion instead of brute force. They also appear to prefer physical action, over information warfare and hacking. They're more likely to hack a computer by breaking in to the location the computer's stored and gaining physical access, than by breaking into the computer itself over a network link. Cyber warfare initially appeared to have been a weakpoint of the organisation at first, though since a Pink Knight Saber replaced the Gold, the groups capabilities have been slowly improving.
Knight Saber paid mercenary work is used to pay for pro-bono anti-zwilnik operations. Whether the anti-zwilnik operations are merely advertising for their mercenary operations, or not, depends on the opinion an individual has of the group.
Their self-claimed ethos is: “To defend peace and social justice, and rid Fenspace of evil'
In practice, they appear to operate with the tacit approval of the Space Patrol, who appear to be reluctant to investigate too deeply into the group's operation.
The Truth
Jet Jaguar is behind the Knight Sabers.
A majority of Knight Saber jobs are in actuality Great Justice missions. Jet Jaguar performs much of her troubleshooter duties through the group. This is widely known within the higher echelons of Great Justice. While they do take mercenary jobs quite happily, in practice there simply wouldn't be enough in Fenspace to keep the group going.
Jet's original intention behind the secrecy was to protect the families of the individual Sabers, and to protect 77 Frigga. The asteroid's defences are designed to defend against opportunistic piracy, not against a concerted Zwilnik attack. There aren't enough boots on the ground, or live rounds for the missile launchers to do more than discourage.
In practice, the group's secrecy also means they find themselves handling deniable operations. Missions where Great Justice and the Convention can't be seen to be publicly involved. The Knight Sabers, as an avowed extra-legal vigilante organisation, can. It also gives them far more freedom of action than if they were a full part of GJ.
The Knight Sabers
There're 6 official members of the group
*Saber White: Sylia Stingray
*Saber Blue: Daryl Haur
*Saber Green: Kotono Ito
*Saber Pink: Anika Daini
Spacecraft Pilot/ Information support: Mackie
Hardware maintenance/Saber Gold: Ford Sierra
The group also have a number of allies and suppliers:
Great Justice itself discourages investigations into the group's activities.
Their home base is the Silkydoll, built into the old ore-plant on 77 Frigga. The KnightWing normally launches through the main landing bay, which is depressurised to discourage people from remaining inside.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?