robkelk Wrote:Welcome to the forums, and welcome to Fenspace!A bit? ;-)
I like your introductory story. It's much better than mine was...
Don't worry about minor errors with your English. Nobody here is a maniac over grammar or spelling - with people writing in American English, Canadian English, Irish English, and who-knows what other versions of the language, we can't afford to be sticklers for the rules. (If it really matters, we have enough editors in the group - including one who has actually been paid to edit - that we can fix anything that's obviously wrong.)
What does it say about me (or Fenspace) that, when you said you wanted to flesh out a neglected faction, I immediately thought of the Trekkies?
Anyway, I doubt that the Trekkies are a nearly only German fen group...

And I am still not finished...