Some wiki-entries that I hope to add sometime...
|shipname = ''Toy Box''
|hull = Intermodal Containers with fiberglass and sheet steel body
|length = 31.24 m
|width = 8.32 m
|height = 8.89 m
|mass = 253,231 kg
|drivetype = 3x Philo MKII Fusion Torch acceleration engines
|driverating = Max Acceleration 25g
Max Delta-v: 44000 km/s without external tanks, 50000km/s+ with external tanks
|weapons = None
|manufacturer = Whistler Orbital Services
|owner = Whistler Orbital Services
|faction = Rhodanites (Pulpers)
|datelaunched = September 21st, 2008
|purpose = Orbital Debris Collector/Orbital Maintenance Craft
|crew = [[Fee Carmichael] (AI)
[[Naedial Warringer] (pilot)
Danni 'Thora' Koslowski (Flight Control)
Thorsten 'Bully' Lehmann (Engineer)
Alexander 'Mehandor' Zweigart (Engineer)
|auxvehicles = 2x Orbital Sled
|status = '''Active'''
One of the first purpose build Fenships. Its from the ground up intended to do orbital salvage and maintenance operations in Earth Orbit and Cis-lunar space. She's however known to operate in other parts of the solar system.
While [[Ptichka] is known to have done a number of maintenance operations, the Toy Box is operating on several long term maintenance contracts with SES Astra, Eutelsat S.A. and Hughes Communications for their GEO communication satellites.
== Known Vehicle Quirks ==
* ''Smoker:'' Since the character Fee is modeled after happens to be a heavy smoker, the air aboard the Toy Box always smell faintly of tobacco.
* ''I'm having a good time, I'm having a ball:'' Unless the Queen song ''Don't stop me now'' is played during the first 3 minutes 29 seconds of a long term engine burn, the engines will turn themselves off after 3 minutes and 29 seconds.
* ''Shakin!:'' Any engine burn over 2g is going to take the ''Toy Box'' as is she was falling apart for about twenty minutes, even if the burn end earlier or later.
* ''Whipple whipple:'' Since the ''Toy Box'' is equipped with a whipple shield, it seems as if the ship is a magnet for micro meteorites and micro debris. Thankfully there is never a hull breach or damage done to any vital part of the ship. The hull does look like a patchwork quilt through.
== Known Crew Quirks ==
== Trivia ==
== Stories ==
{{Space Ships}}
[[Category:Space Ships]
[[Category:Whistler Orbital Services]
{{Infobox company
| name = Whistler Orbital Services
| type = Private
| foundation = October 2009
| location = KA Preiswert, Semi-synchronous orbit
| area_served = [[Sol|Solar System]
| key_people = Naedial Warringer
Danni 'Thora' Koslowski
Thorsten 'Bully' Lehmann
Alexander 'Mehandor' Zweigart
Fee Carmichael
| products = Various Orbital Salvage
| services = Orbital Debris Cleaning
Commercial Satellite Maintenance
| owner = Naedial Warringer
Danni 'Thora' Koslowski
Thorsten 'Bully' Lehmann
Alexander 'Mehandor' Zweigart
| homepage =
Whistler Orbital Services was founded in 2009 when the [[Toy Box] launched into orbit from Germany.
Within one month of operation Danni Koslowski, a former employee of EADS Astrium, aquired the first long term salvage and satellite maintenance contracts with SES Astra, marking the beginning of the actual operation of Whistler Orbital Services.
As [[Stellvia] happened to be 'out of the way' from the primary operation area of the [[Toy Box] it was decided to build a station, named [[KA Preiswert] in Semi-synchronous earth orbit.
Until 2011 Whistler acquired further large maintenance contracts with Eutelsat S.A. and Hughes Communications, and minor salvage contracts and good relations with various national space organisations.
Usually any salvage that is obtained during normal operations is refurbished and sold to various fen and factions, while other salvage is shipped to clients.
While nominally unaligned with [[Great Justice|Operation Great Justice] during the [[Boskone War] the [[Toy Box|SS Toy Box] and other Whistler craft rescued several stranded spacecraft pilots and larger space ships, increasing the standing with most factions. Only a Boskone attack on the [[Toy Box] in the late stages of the war caused Whistler to align with [[Great Justice].
Whistler Orbital Services is mainly aligned with a small Pulper faction, the [[Rhodanites].
Notable are good relations to various 'Dane corporations and space agencies as well as most of Fenspace.
{{Infobox Character
|name=Naedial Warringer
|birth_date = {{Birth date|1979|08|30}}
|birth_place = Germany
|residence = [[Toy Box]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = wogon/furry
|citizenship = German
|other_names = Nae
|education = Electric Technician
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = nominally CEO / Captain of the [[Toy Box]
|callsign = Poet
''Primary Writer: [[User:Warringer|Warringer]''
* ''Height:'' 6'8"
* ''Weight:'' not telling
* ''Build:'' lean
* ''Hair:'' gray
* ''Eyes:'' gray-blue
* ''Common Dress:'' 'waved wetsuit, 'space corset' ('waved Tactical Corset with pouches and speed drive)
Naedial Warringer is the result of an accidental biomod of one of the builders of the [[Toy Box]. While creating the outer hull of the space ship, he came into contact with too much handwavium and eventually transformed into something of a winged anthro wolf. She calls herself a wolf-dragon hybrid, or wogon for short.
During the building of [[KA Preiswert] she was accidentally exposed to hard vacuum for about fifteen minutes, where she found out that she can survive in vacuum without a spacesuit. Since then she got rid of anything that makes work in space harder, opting to only use a breathing mask.
== Notable Mundane Attributes ==
* ''Wait What?:'' She has something of an overactive fhatasy when she wants to have it. That allows her to come up with very strange ideas that somehow work out in the end.
* ''Maybe that wire:'' Trained Electronic Technician
== Handwavium Abilities ==
* ''Vacuum? What Vacuum?:'' Due to the nature of the handwavium strain, namely one to vacuum proof the hull of the [[Toy Box], Naedial is vacuum proof as well. she can go out into space with only a breathing mask.
== Quirks ==
* ''I can't see you sweat:'' With her biomod she is unable to sweat, however her larger wings make up for that.
* ''What do you mean you can't fly?:'' While she does possess a pair of large wings, they are usable to fly. Instead they act as large radiator panels to equalize her inability to sweat.
* ''Wogon? Isn't that 'Vogon'?:'' Naedial may quip about making bad poetry, but never, ever allow her to actually follow through with reciting poetry.
== Stories ==
Naedial Warringer has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling
[[Category:Characters|Warringer, Naedial]
{{Infobox Character
|name=Fee Carmichael
|birth_date = {{Birth date|2009|08|03}}
|birth_place = Germany
|residence = [[Toy Box]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = American (AI)
|citizenship = [[Fenspace Convention]
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = Resident AI of the [[Toy Box]
== Quirks ==
* ''I want a smoke!:'' Fee is rather irritated about being an AI, because she has the urge to smoke and it won't go away.
* ''Blow a fuse:'' Sometimes Fee can blow up and be very irrational
* ''No weapons!:'' She doesn't like weapons on her ship, period.
== Stories ==
Fee Carmichael has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling
[[Category:Characters|Carmichael, Fee]
|shipname = ''KA Preiswert''
|drivetype = 5x J-2 'waved Rocket Engine
|driverating = Max. Acceleration: 3g
Max Delta-v: 10000 km/s
|owner = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|flag = [[Fenspace Convention]
|faction = [[Whistler Orbital Services] - EuroFen / [[Pulpers] - [[Rhodanites]
|purpose = Corporation home base
|crew = [[SENECA] (AI)
|supcrew = varies
|status = '''Active'''
Headquarters of [[Whistler Orbital Services].
Build as the response to the need for a home base after getting their first big contract, this station consisted in its core of the five [[wikipedia:S-IVB|S-IVB] upper Saturn V stages that were ejected into Solar Orbits in the Apollo 8 to 12 missions. They were connected into a pyramid form, with four stages forming the base and the fifth the top. The top stage acted as living and docking module, while the lower modules act as workshop with storage area and large airlock. Several salvaged Centaur II upper stages act as water tanks to refuel the [[Toy Box] and provide additional radiation protection.
One 40 foot and two 20 foot ISO containers extend the actual workshop area and contain the machines and tools of the station.
Later on a larger living module was added, made of 16 45 foot ISO containers to increase living space and add a few more docking points.
[[SENECA] is the AI of the station and has nearly full control over the station, through he does not have control over the various computer controlled systems in the workshop.
{{Space Stations}}[[Category:Cislunar Space]
{{Infobox Character
|birth_date = {{Birth date|2009|11|15}}
|birth_place = [[KA Preiswert]
|residence = [[KA Preiswert]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = AI
|citizenship = [[Fenspace Convention]
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = Resident AI of [[KA Preiswert]
== Quirks ==
* ''I'd know about that:'' SENECA can become very irritated if something does not match with his data and tries to ignore the problem, hoping that it'll go away.
* ''Orders are orders:'' SENECA follows some orders to the letter, through not the spirit. This lead to some interesting incidents.
* ''State of the Art!:'' Originally build from three high end blade servers, SENECAs hardware has fallen behind, but he refuses any upgrades of his hardware and any attempt shuts down [[KA Preiswert].
== Stories ==
SENECA has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling
{{Infobox Character
|birth_date = officially {{Birth date|2010|02|12}}
|birth_place = [[KA Preiswert]
|residence = [[KA Preiswert]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = AI
|citizenship = [[Fenspace Convention]
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = Jack of all Trades for Whistler
== Handwavium Abilities ==
* ''Body Snatcher?:'' Vario's main body is an roughly eggshaped torso of 'waved metal with extendable tentacle like arms and legs. But she usually wears something that is called cocoon mask that gives her a more normal look. Her usual mask is that of a 6 feet athropomorphic toy dragon.
* ''Now you see me now you don't:'' She got several cocoon mask that give her a human look and let her fade into the background of any gathering of humans. Integrated equipment manages to spoof most sensory systems.
* ''What a nice Signal:'' Due to her SigInt background she is very apt when it comes to SigInt analyzing and recording.
== Quirks ==
* ''I can't sing, I can't dance:'' Vario does not communicate in a normal sense. She does not talk, she does not written or typed text to communicate. It usually creeps people out that she doesn't, but after anout thirty minutes everyone does know what she wants to communicate anyway, which is even more creepy. Okay, but Vario can dance rather well...
* ''Damn kids and their newly fangled toys:'' Vario's main CPU and mainboard were salvaged from a SigInt spy satellite that was launched in the 80s, which was accidentally 'waved in a Handwavium spill. She tends to show her 'ancient' age when it comes to her hardware.
== Stories ==
Vario has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling
|shipname = ''Toy Box''
|hull = Intermodal Containers with fiberglass and sheet steel body
|length = 31.24 m
|width = 8.32 m
|height = 8.89 m
|mass = 253,231 kg
|drivetype = 3x Philo MKII Fusion Torch acceleration engines
|driverating = Max Acceleration 25g
Max Delta-v: 44000 km/s without external tanks, 50000km/s+ with external tanks
|weapons = None
|manufacturer = Whistler Orbital Services
|owner = Whistler Orbital Services
|faction = Rhodanites (Pulpers)
|datelaunched = September 21st, 2008
|purpose = Orbital Debris Collector/Orbital Maintenance Craft
|crew = [[Fee Carmichael] (AI)
[[Naedial Warringer] (pilot)
Danni 'Thora' Koslowski (Flight Control)
Thorsten 'Bully' Lehmann (Engineer)
Alexander 'Mehandor' Zweigart (Engineer)
|auxvehicles = 2x Orbital Sled
|status = '''Active'''
One of the first purpose build Fenships. Its from the ground up intended to do orbital salvage and maintenance operations in Earth Orbit and Cis-lunar space. She's however known to operate in other parts of the solar system.
While [[Ptichka] is known to have done a number of maintenance operations, the Toy Box is operating on several long term maintenance contracts with SES Astra, Eutelsat S.A. and Hughes Communications for their GEO communication satellites.
== Known Vehicle Quirks ==
* ''Smoker:'' Since the character Fee is modeled after happens to be a heavy smoker, the air aboard the Toy Box always smell faintly of tobacco.
* ''I'm having a good time, I'm having a ball:'' Unless the Queen song ''Don't stop me now'' is played during the first 3 minutes 29 seconds of a long term engine burn, the engines will turn themselves off after 3 minutes and 29 seconds.
* ''Shakin!:'' Any engine burn over 2g is going to take the ''Toy Box'' as is she was falling apart for about twenty minutes, even if the burn end earlier or later.
* ''Whipple whipple:'' Since the ''Toy Box'' is equipped with a whipple shield, it seems as if the ship is a magnet for micro meteorites and micro debris. Thankfully there is never a hull breach or damage done to any vital part of the ship. The hull does look like a patchwork quilt through.
== Known Crew Quirks ==
== Trivia ==
== Stories ==
{{Space Ships}}
[[Category:Space Ships]
[[Category:Whistler Orbital Services]
{{Infobox company
| name = Whistler Orbital Services
| type = Private
| foundation = October 2009
| location = KA Preiswert, Semi-synchronous orbit
| area_served = [[Sol|Solar System]
| key_people = Naedial Warringer
Danni 'Thora' Koslowski
Thorsten 'Bully' Lehmann
Alexander 'Mehandor' Zweigart
Fee Carmichael
| products = Various Orbital Salvage
| services = Orbital Debris Cleaning
Commercial Satellite Maintenance
| owner = Naedial Warringer
Danni 'Thora' Koslowski
Thorsten 'Bully' Lehmann
Alexander 'Mehandor' Zweigart
| homepage =
Whistler Orbital Services was founded in 2009 when the [[Toy Box] launched into orbit from Germany.
Within one month of operation Danni Koslowski, a former employee of EADS Astrium, aquired the first long term salvage and satellite maintenance contracts with SES Astra, marking the beginning of the actual operation of Whistler Orbital Services.
As [[Stellvia] happened to be 'out of the way' from the primary operation area of the [[Toy Box] it was decided to build a station, named [[KA Preiswert] in Semi-synchronous earth orbit.
Until 2011 Whistler acquired further large maintenance contracts with Eutelsat S.A. and Hughes Communications, and minor salvage contracts and good relations with various national space organisations.
Usually any salvage that is obtained during normal operations is refurbished and sold to various fen and factions, while other salvage is shipped to clients.
While nominally unaligned with [[Great Justice|Operation Great Justice] during the [[Boskone War] the [[Toy Box|SS Toy Box] and other Whistler craft rescued several stranded spacecraft pilots and larger space ships, increasing the standing with most factions. Only a Boskone attack on the [[Toy Box] in the late stages of the war caused Whistler to align with [[Great Justice].
Whistler Orbital Services is mainly aligned with a small Pulper faction, the [[Rhodanites].
Notable are good relations to various 'Dane corporations and space agencies as well as most of Fenspace.
{{Infobox Character
|name=Naedial Warringer
|birth_date = {{Birth date|1979|08|30}}
|birth_place = Germany
|residence = [[Toy Box]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = wogon/furry
|citizenship = German
|other_names = Nae
|education = Electric Technician
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = nominally CEO / Captain of the [[Toy Box]
|callsign = Poet
''Primary Writer: [[User:Warringer|Warringer]''
* ''Height:'' 6'8"
* ''Weight:'' not telling
* ''Build:'' lean
* ''Hair:'' gray
* ''Eyes:'' gray-blue
* ''Common Dress:'' 'waved wetsuit, 'space corset' ('waved Tactical Corset with pouches and speed drive)
Naedial Warringer is the result of an accidental biomod of one of the builders of the [[Toy Box]. While creating the outer hull of the space ship, he came into contact with too much handwavium and eventually transformed into something of a winged anthro wolf. She calls herself a wolf-dragon hybrid, or wogon for short.
During the building of [[KA Preiswert] she was accidentally exposed to hard vacuum for about fifteen minutes, where she found out that she can survive in vacuum without a spacesuit. Since then she got rid of anything that makes work in space harder, opting to only use a breathing mask.
== Notable Mundane Attributes ==
* ''Wait What?:'' She has something of an overactive fhatasy when she wants to have it. That allows her to come up with very strange ideas that somehow work out in the end.
* ''Maybe that wire:'' Trained Electronic Technician
== Handwavium Abilities ==
* ''Vacuum? What Vacuum?:'' Due to the nature of the handwavium strain, namely one to vacuum proof the hull of the [[Toy Box], Naedial is vacuum proof as well. she can go out into space with only a breathing mask.
== Quirks ==
* ''I can't see you sweat:'' With her biomod she is unable to sweat, however her larger wings make up for that.
* ''What do you mean you can't fly?:'' While she does possess a pair of large wings, they are usable to fly. Instead they act as large radiator panels to equalize her inability to sweat.
* ''Wogon? Isn't that 'Vogon'?:'' Naedial may quip about making bad poetry, but never, ever allow her to actually follow through with reciting poetry.
== Stories ==
Naedial Warringer has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling
[[Category:Characters|Warringer, Naedial]
{{Infobox Character
|name=Fee Carmichael
|birth_date = {{Birth date|2009|08|03}}
|birth_place = Germany
|residence = [[Toy Box]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = American (AI)
|citizenship = [[Fenspace Convention]
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = Resident AI of the [[Toy Box]
== Quirks ==
* ''I want a smoke!:'' Fee is rather irritated about being an AI, because she has the urge to smoke and it won't go away.
* ''Blow a fuse:'' Sometimes Fee can blow up and be very irrational
* ''No weapons!:'' She doesn't like weapons on her ship, period.
== Stories ==
Fee Carmichael has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling
[[Category:Characters|Carmichael, Fee]
|shipname = ''KA Preiswert''
|drivetype = 5x J-2 'waved Rocket Engine
|driverating = Max. Acceleration: 3g
Max Delta-v: 10000 km/s
|owner = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|flag = [[Fenspace Convention]
|faction = [[Whistler Orbital Services] - EuroFen / [[Pulpers] - [[Rhodanites]
|purpose = Corporation home base
|crew = [[SENECA] (AI)
|supcrew = varies
|status = '''Active'''
Headquarters of [[Whistler Orbital Services].
Build as the response to the need for a home base after getting their first big contract, this station consisted in its core of the five [[wikipedia:S-IVB|S-IVB] upper Saturn V stages that were ejected into Solar Orbits in the Apollo 8 to 12 missions. They were connected into a pyramid form, with four stages forming the base and the fifth the top. The top stage acted as living and docking module, while the lower modules act as workshop with storage area and large airlock. Several salvaged Centaur II upper stages act as water tanks to refuel the [[Toy Box] and provide additional radiation protection.
One 40 foot and two 20 foot ISO containers extend the actual workshop area and contain the machines and tools of the station.
Later on a larger living module was added, made of 16 45 foot ISO containers to increase living space and add a few more docking points.
[[SENECA] is the AI of the station and has nearly full control over the station, through he does not have control over the various computer controlled systems in the workshop.
{{Space Stations}}[[Category:Cislunar Space]
{{Infobox Character
|birth_date = {{Birth date|2009|11|15}}
|birth_place = [[KA Preiswert]
|residence = [[KA Preiswert]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = AI
|citizenship = [[Fenspace Convention]
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = Resident AI of [[KA Preiswert]
== Quirks ==
* ''I'd know about that:'' SENECA can become very irritated if something does not match with his data and tries to ignore the problem, hoping that it'll go away.
* ''Orders are orders:'' SENECA follows some orders to the letter, through not the spirit. This lead to some interesting incidents.
* ''State of the Art!:'' Originally build from three high end blade servers, SENECAs hardware has fallen behind, but he refuses any upgrades of his hardware and any attempt shuts down [[KA Preiswert].
== Stories ==
SENECA has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling
{{Infobox Character
|birth_date = officially {{Birth date|2010|02|12}}
|birth_place = [[KA Preiswert]
|residence = [[KA Preiswert]
|nationality = [[Fenspace Convention]
|ethnicity = AI
|citizenship = [[Fenspace Convention]
|employer = [[Whistler Orbital Services]
|occupation = Jack of all Trades for Whistler
== Handwavium Abilities ==
* ''Body Snatcher?:'' Vario's main body is an roughly eggshaped torso of 'waved metal with extendable tentacle like arms and legs. But she usually wears something that is called cocoon mask that gives her a more normal look. Her usual mask is that of a 6 feet athropomorphic toy dragon.
* ''Now you see me now you don't:'' She got several cocoon mask that give her a human look and let her fade into the background of any gathering of humans. Integrated equipment manages to spoof most sensory systems.
* ''What a nice Signal:'' Due to her SigInt background she is very apt when it comes to SigInt analyzing and recording.
== Quirks ==
* ''I can't sing, I can't dance:'' Vario does not communicate in a normal sense. She does not talk, she does not written or typed text to communicate. It usually creeps people out that she doesn't, but after anout thirty minutes everyone does know what she wants to communicate anyway, which is even more creepy. Okay, but Vario can dance rather well...
* ''Damn kids and their newly fangled toys:'' Vario's main CPU and mainboard were salvaged from a SigInt spy satellite that was launched in the 80s, which was accidentally 'waved in a Handwavium spill. She tends to show her 'ancient' age when it comes to her hardware.
== Stories ==
Vario has played a role in the following stories:
* Whistling