The changes suggested by Star Ranger4:
Quote:=== Germany ===
''Neutral-to-Friendly, mixed''
The relations of the German government with Fenspace is best described as being pragmatic. With several smaller groups in Fenspace having closer ties to their homeland then others, combined with a relatively good initial press for Fenspace, the Government tends to largely ignore what is going on in Fenspace ever since signing the Kandor Treaty and taking their sweet time to make new laws.
While access to Handwavium is restricted to the Max Plank Institute for Exotic Materials and the Bundesnachrichtendienst, 'waved items only need a license to own. In most cases this license is easily obtained, except for items that may be used as weapon.
There is a small space port facility in the Ruhr area of Germany; however fen are strongly advised to contact German Air Control at least 48 hours in advance. This allows sufficient time for all paperwork to be filled out and filed and a flight plan generated that minimizes the risk of accidental 'waveium contamination of the population at large. This is not to say that this is a cast iron requirement for using the field, however your reception will be much less cordial if you fail to 'phone ahead'.
One reason for the more pragmatic approach of Germany to Fenspace is a strong ongoing trade of German goods into fenspace and a return flow of harder to find raw materials of all sorts.
Main export articles are beer, various machinery, beer, tools, various alcohols (including beer) and beer.