Hrm.... Wonder who her nemesis should be? How about Black Betty, the Suicide Girl of 36 Atalante's Blackbird fleet? She could use a little more exposure in Fenspace.
Let's see... In addition to being a goth and a certified Suicide Girl, Black Betty can be a total pyro as well. Loves going to Ramstein concerts with Gina. Also considered by some to be a Dark Senshi, but of the good variety. Mayonaka gets some of her style sense from Black Betty.
Her relationship with Arthuria is purely adversarial - like Batman and Joker. Arthuria is a psychopath with a thing for killing with fire. While Black Betty may like seeing things burn, Arthuria disgusts her.
Arthuria is a very dangerous type of villain; chaotic evil with a high degree of intelligence and a moderate helping of charisma. While she is evil for the lulz every move of hers is calculated to set off chain reactions - not only in how things burn, but also from a socio-polotical standpoint. She is a chessmaster who literally and metaphorically plays with fire.
Let's see... In addition to being a goth and a certified Suicide Girl, Black Betty can be a total pyro as well. Loves going to Ramstein concerts with Gina. Also considered by some to be a Dark Senshi, but of the good variety. Mayonaka gets some of her style sense from Black Betty.
Her relationship with Arthuria is purely adversarial - like Batman and Joker. Arthuria is a psychopath with a thing for killing with fire. While Black Betty may like seeing things burn, Arthuria disgusts her.
Arthuria is a very dangerous type of villain; chaotic evil with a high degree of intelligence and a moderate helping of charisma. While she is evil for the lulz every move of hers is calculated to set off chain reactions - not only in how things burn, but also from a socio-polotical standpoint. She is a chessmaster who literally and metaphorically plays with fire.