robkelk Wrote:And things become dire for the catgirls...Yes, it is...
I am feeling a bit bad because of the large number of heavy doors I put into Jengas modular design...
But here is another short part:
Quote:They were slowly burning a hole into a door of the space station. Again.
Jerry wasn’t sure if this was just a sick joke or something designed to frustrate boarding parties. Shortly after the door in front of them had locked, the tech guy had detected the energy level dropping quickly. A few moments later the hangar was pitch black, just a bit of light came through windows and the outer door.
The boss had finally stopped shouting and the second tech was working on his visor. Jerry had no clue how to solve the problem, but that wasn’t his job. He had to focus what was going on in front of him.
“Why the hell are we even doing this?” one man murmured while they were working on the door, “there is a much easier to reach door below their tower!”
Jerry sighed. “Yes, and they still have one of those laser cannons in an unknown place. Do you want to look out and see if you find it? We have enough time to do this the safe way.”
Jerry did not add that he didn’t really believed in this central door. The laser cannons proved the catgirls had expected some trouble, so most likely the door would not open easily.
The man with the plasma torch signaled him that he was nearly finished with a small hole in the door. Jerry watch three of his men walking towards the hole.
‘This training pays of’ he thought when the the first 10cm hole was finished and all the men simultaneously opened fire through the hole, spraying the room behind it with bullets. He heard someone crying on the other side.
“Time to give up” he shouted, then he turned to the man with the torch. “Get this damned door open, this is getting annoying.”
“Jerry, give me a status report” a voice behind him. ‘Damned’ he thought, ‘did not notice that the boss is ready again.’
“Yes Mr. Randers. We have got the primary hole in the door, now we can use the larger tools. In ten or fifteen minutes we should be through. Still no evidence that the cats want to give up.”
“Good work Jerry, keep going." Randers said and nodded. "I am pleased how you handled everything, now get this damned door open.”
Randers was impatient to get through the door, it had taken too long to mill the waved paint of his thick visor.