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[RFC] Jenga and Mini Madcat Corps wiki entry
[RFC] Jenga and Mini Madcat Corps wiki entry
Two new texts which will move to the wiki soon...


The Mini-Madcat

»My friends, we can rebuild it. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first ehh... bionic Mini-Madcat. Better than it was before. Better... stronger... faster... larger!«
-Catgirl Industries, Mid 2016

It all started with a gift of Sabre Fang to Catgirl Industries. When the Catgirls and Sabre Fang traded a series of working drones for a number of ZPE cores, Sabre Fang included a waved Madcat mech in his package.

It was a full articulated walking robot, armed with a series of colored lights on the shoulders and two ‘deadly’ water pistols in the arms. It had enough computer power to stay upright and move, but was otherwise remote controlled by wireless lan. A lot of catgirls liked the 60 cm high robot a lot. It was used in a number of jokes and games at the company in the following months.

When a group of ships attacked Jenga in 2016 to kidnap the catgirls and steal everything valuable on the station, the Mini Madcat had its field day. In a blue hair moment, one of the catgirls replaced his shoulder launchers with a series of waved paintball missiles. The Mini Madcat attacked the Boskonian troops inside the Hangar with a single volley of its missiles and colored the visors of a few of them green. While the rest of the boarding group quickly gunned the small mech down, a few Boskonians were unable to continue their mission without repairs of their visor.

After the fight was over, the catgirls discussed what to do with the pieces of their brave little friend. While a few of them suggested repairing it, most of them felt that it would spoil the ‘heroic sacrifice’. In the end they decided to build a new group of robots similar to the old one, which would ‘follow its role model’ and help defending the station against future attacks.

The Mini-Madcat Corps

Base Hull: Two legged walker built by Sabre Fang
Height: 3 m
Mass: 1.2 metric tons
Drive Type: ‘Myomer muscles’
Dark energy mass effect drive
Drive Rating: 54 km/h walking, 86.4 km/h running
540 km/h flying in atmosphere, 0.07c in space
Reactor: Whistler Philo MKIII mini-fusion reactor
Armament: 2 variable arm adapters
2 multi purpose shoulder boxes
Manufacturer: Cold Cat Spaceworks, Whistler Corporation, Catgirl Industries
Owner: Catgirl Industries
Registry Number: CI-MMC-001 to -006
Launched: Mid 2017
Primary Crew: 0 (remote controlled)
Operational Status: Active

The new generation of the Mini-Madcat was not designed as a toy. The Mini-Madcat Corps is a group of six remote controlled robots, each of them three meters tall. They are made of an endoskeleton of waved steal with a layer of laminated armor plates on top. Their arms and shoulder launchers are modular sets that can be easily replaced within moments.

Similar to the Mechs described in the Battletech novels and game material, the Mini Madcats are moved by a system of waved ‘myomer muscles’, similar to the body of a human. The muscles are a made of hundreds of fibres, each of them constructed from a specialized strain of memetic plastic. Staying as close as possible to the machines described in Battletech was supposed to help with the final waving steps during construction. The development of the myomer strain of memetic plastic was considered a mayor breakthrough for later applications.

Several components of the Mechs were bought from outside sources. The energy of the mechs is provided by a small Fusor bought from the Whistler Services, while a lot of chassis parts were made from Sabre Fang, who had already built the earlier toy.

The new mechs were upgraded a few times during construction, which delayed their completion until mid 2017. They finished models are built around two second generation mass effect drive, which projects a defensive forcefield around the mechs. The second core is used to extend the forcefield around the whole Mech, which is larger than the two meter diameter a single drone core would provide.

The main engine in the upper body allows the mechs to fly, but only after the mech cowers down and put his arms into a ‘standby position’. All weapon systems have to be locked down before engaging the flight mode. The bottom of the mechs feet are covered by the same sticky substance the catgirls used in the construction of their drones for the Panzerkunstlers for zero-g missions. Unfortunately the sticky effect is not strong enough to allow a mech of this size to walk on walls and ceilings in normal gravity.

The default modules of the arms of the Mini-Madcat corps are hands with integrated universal tool adapters, similar to the one of the Exocomps but larger. This allow them to use the Mechs in construction work while there is no danger on Jenga.

Rumors say the catgirls have a cache of lethal and non-lethal weapon modules, which would be installed should anyone try to attack Jenga again.

  • So many of them! There are six (not four or five) Mini-Madcats, which train together every week. This spawned a lot of speculations by Battletech Fen.
  • Mine! Each of the mechs is piloted by a specific catgirl through a remote control rig. Normally they don’t like to share their mech.
  • Zero-g feet. The sticky feet allows the usage of the mechs in areas without gravity.
  • Not a proto mech! Even with only 3 meters high, it cannot do the speed of the Battletech protomechs.

  • Bionic mech! The intro of ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’ must be played to start the systems of the Mini-Madcats.
  • No Combat Jumpjets. The weapons of the mechs cannot be fired while flying.
  • Oh no, stairs! Like their precursor, the Mini-Madcats cannot walk on stairs without falling down like stepping on a Banana peel.

Known arm and shoulder attachments:
  • Hands. There is a set of articulated hands for each of the mechs
  • Spotlight. A multispectral spotlight (IR, normal light, UV) can be mounted on the shoulders.
  • Waved bubble gum shotgun. mostly used for pinning or disarming people.
  • Paintball missile launcher. Scaled up version of the original Mini-Madcat weapon.
  • 12.7 mm coilgun. High velocity anti armor weapon, fires solid rounds with the shape of 12.7*99mm bullets.

Messages In This Thread
[RFC] Jenga and Mini Madcat Corps wiki entry - by HRogge - 11-22-2011, 07:41 PM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-22-2011, 07:45 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 11-22-2011, 07:59 PM
[No subject] - by Warringer - 11-22-2011, 08:07 PM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-22-2011, 08:08 PM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-23-2011, 10:34 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 11-30-2011, 01:33 AM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-30-2011, 10:36 PM

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