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[RFC] Jenga and Mini Madcat Corps wiki entry
Jenga (Catgirl Industries Homebase)

» Let me get this right. You want us to help you building a base made of lot of giant LEGO parts? So that you can play around with them when you want to? Damn, that sounds stupid crazy... I like it. «
- Wire Geek, Mid 2015

» Why do I cannot land anymore in hangar C? I got my fight plan from you two days ago... oh... you took the hangar apart? Okay, will land in hangar D...”
- Unknown pilot approaching the Catgirl Industries base

» It has been said that many great discoveries do not started with an ‘Eureka’ but with ‘oh, that’s odd’. In Fenspace, both variants do often happen after some kind of explosion. «
- heard on an Interwave forum on Mars

Shipname: Catgirl Industries Homebase
Hull: Modular Battlesteel hull
Drive Rating: Max velocity 0.01c
Weapons: multiple point defense lasers and light coil gun turrets
1 heavy laser cannon (since late 2016)
Manufacturer: Catgirl Industries/Hephaestus
Owner: Catgirl Industries
Flag: Fenspace Convention
Registry: CI-002
Date Launched: mid 2015
Purpose: Living space, production and research
Auxiliary Vehicles: 6 waved cars (in late 2015)
Status: Active

The base

When the catgirls decided that wanted to build an orbital base instead of a ground one and had put up some basic plans, they noticed that they needed help. Cathy and Vivio flew over to Hephaestus and had a long talk with the dwarfs. After a lot of discussion about their crazy base design, modifying some of their plans because of suggestions by Hephaestus and handing over most of their money, Hephaestus Mining and Metalworking and Catgirl Industries began with the Jenga project.

The Catgirl Industries base Modules are made from 8 times 8 meters large squares of 10cm thick Battle Steel, which are connected so cubes or cuboids, most of them 16 or 24 meters long. The base plates have mounting points for an thinner inner wall 100cm away, which give the interior a minimum size of 6 times 6 meters.

There are three different kind of base plates created by Hephaestus, a bare wall plate, one with a large quadratic airlock and a third one with mountings for sensors and a popup laser defense turret. The airlock plate also contains interface sockets and pipes around the airlock to transfer energy and and other things between different Modules.

The subtypes of the bare wall plates are equipped with different kind of standardized equipment between the two walls. The first variants constructed had machines for energy production, life support and communication, but since end 2015 Catgirl Industries began to equip the Modules with some of reactionless engine Plates, which have been upgraded several times.

The plates are welded together by special equipment designed by Hephaestus and Catgirl Industries, which produce a continuous and solid outer wall, but they can be disassembled again later. Each assembled Module has one communication plate, which contains three Quantum Entanglement Modules to interconnect all existing Modules to a virtual hexagonal grid. Most Modules contain at least one energy generation and life support plate too.

Most of the interior of the Modules is either vacuum resistant or can be locked down airtight, to allow an easier reconfiguration of the Modules itself.

The Little Big Bang Labs (LBBL)

The Little Big Bang Labs (LBBL) were founded in late 2015 on Jenga, when an accident in one of the labs resulted in the creation of the first batch of Eezo. Catgirl Industries quickly recognized that they need a place for ‘physics experiments’, which resulted in a new Jenga Module for the Little Big Bang Labs.

While the labs were successful in reproducing the creation of Eezo, the space needed for the experiments quickly outgrew the Module. In late 2016, shortly after the battle of Jenga, Catgirl Industries built a new complex of Modules which house the labs today.

The new labs are built around a large cube of 24 meters edge length, which has six standard Jenga Modules of 24 meters length attached to it. Each of the attached Modules houses a waved particle accelerator that can fire a beam right into the central experimentation area. Each opposing pair of accelerators are mounted slightly aligned of axis, so that their beams do not hit the machine on the other side.

In the following years Catgirl Industries began to add other Modules for smaller experiments to the Labs complex.

When the labs are not busy in creating more Eezo, they are running all kinds of physics experimentation, most of them with some handwavium involved. The whole experimentation area is heavily armored and shielded to prevent that accidents and explosions damage other parts of the station.

  • The showers with integrated fur dryers were considered a mayor obstacle in designing the living space at Jenga.
  • Some external airlocks have external ‘universal docking adapters’, most of them bought at Stellvia.
  • Spacecrafts less than five meter high and width can land inside some special airlocks/docking bays.
  • Many catgirls had very bad experiences with Boskones in their lives, which made them to equip their stations with a bit more ‘defensive’ weapons than necessary.
  • The Modules of the Little Big Bang Labs have no artificial gravity and no windows.
  • The six particle accelerators in the Little Big Bang Labs have a fixed focus point ~20 meters in front of the accelerators end. Because of this they are not useful as weapons

  • Everyone plays with LEGO! The base does not accept to stay within the same configuration for more than a month. While moving the Modules into a new configuration might help once, ever two or three months new plates must be added to the base or a few existing Modules have to be taken apart. Otherwise the energy production and engine efficiency begins to drop.
  • I thought it was this way! The base does not like too many signs pointing the way to different parts of the station. Paper signs, black boards and even personal printouts get often lost, misprinted or outdated quicker than the base changes. The inhabitants seem to know their way around the station by memory, but it can confuse visitors as hell.
  • BOOM. Small explosions are quite common in the Little Big Bang Labs.
  • Commence primary ignition! Every major experiment in the Little Big Bang Labs has to be started with the operator quoting Tarkin and pressing a large red button.

Unique modules and sections:
  • You have mail. One 16 meter long Module contains a dual link Interwave transmitter that with a pair of dedicated reactors in a second internal 10cm Battle Steel shell.
  • Oh, shiny! One of the base Modules was equipped with a capital ship laser cannon in late 2016. The 24 meter long Module houses the necessary cooling systems, an lensing system bought from the Weberites to aim the laser cannon and the necessary reactors to power to laser.
  • Little Big Bang Labs. A larger complex of Modules that houses a number of particle accelerators for Eezo creation and physics experiments.

Messages In This Thread
[RFC] Jenga and Mini Madcat Corps wiki entry - by HRogge - 11-22-2011, 07:41 PM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-22-2011, 07:45 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 11-22-2011, 07:59 PM
[No subject] - by Warringer - 11-22-2011, 08:07 PM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-22-2011, 08:08 PM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-23-2011, 10:34 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 11-30-2011, 01:33 AM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-30-2011, 10:36 PM

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