I thought it was charming, actually. Adorkable.
EDIT: I just noticed that Ms. Tange neglected to mention exactly what Handwavium does. (I was going to say "is", but that's an irresolvable question.) Why should the Homeline authorities care about Handwavium? We know, but unless Ms. Tange puts it in her report, her superiors won't. (I doubt it's Paralabs standard practice to daub various pieces of equipment with mysterious substances sent in by field agents.) It's not a big problem, but every bit of Fridge Logic fixed counts, right?
EDIT: I just noticed that Ms. Tange neglected to mention exactly what Handwavium does. (I was going to say "is", but that's an irresolvable question.) Why should the Homeline authorities care about Handwavium? We know, but unless Ms. Tange puts it in her report, her superiors won't. (I doubt it's Paralabs standard practice to daub various pieces of equipment with mysterious substances sent in by field agents.) It's not a big problem, but every bit of Fridge Logic fixed counts, right?