robkelk Wrote:Just for fun, and to give Ravenmoon Station a bit of color... Please pardon the wiki markup.5 I'd say Noah Scott as the Man with High Social Standing, as these sound like they'd been made before the Kaboomnite incident.
I'm stuck on four of the twenty-two Major Arcana, though. Anybody want to fill in these blanks? And did I pick the best choices for the eighteen that I did name?
Both a socio-political statement and a fortune-telling prop, the '''Ravenmoon Tarot Deck''' first came to the public's notice a few months after the Interdimensional Incursion Incident. (It's older than that event, but people just don't visit Ravenmoon very often.) It follows the Rider-Waite deck in most respects, but the Major Arcana has been updated for Fenspace.
;5 - The Hierophant
:(The first of the four I'm having trouble with. The Hierophant is religion, orthodox theology, traditional education, or a “Man of high social standing” - any ideas?)
;8 - Strength
:(The second of the four I'm having trouble with. Discipline and control are the watch-words of Strength...)
;12 - The Hanged Man
:(The third of the four I'm having trouble with. Most interpertations of the Hanged Man mark him as an indication of sacrifice, letting go, surrendering, and passivity...)
;19 - The Sun
:(And here's the last of the four I'm having trouble with. The Sun is "attained knowledge"... but the obvious candidates fit better on other cards.)
8 Panzer Kunst Gruppe - They train people in Control and Discipline
12 Don't know, don't think we have anyone that fits for the time period the deck was created in.
19 Don't know, possibility: The Jason
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel