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[RFC] JFerio's JMC destubbing
[RFC] JFerio's JMC destubbing
Jupiter Mining Corporation

{{Infobox company
| name             = Jupiter Mining Corporation
| logo             = [[Image:JMC logo.png|140 px]
| caption          = Logo of the Jupiter Mining Corporation
| type             = Private
| traded_as        =
| genre            =
| fate             =
| predecessor      =
| successor        =
| foundation       =
| founders         = [[Jeph Antilles]
[[Myk-El Miller]
[[Nene Romanova]
| defunct          =
| location_city    =
| location_country =
| location         = ''[[Starbug 1]''
| locations        = 2 hangers (2015)
| area_served      = [[Sol|Solar System]
| key_people       = [[Jeph Antilles]
[[Myk-El Miller]
[[Nene Romanova]
| industry         =
| products         =
| services         = Freight and cargo shipping
Ice mining
| revenue          =
| operating_income =
| net_income       =
| assets           =
| equity           =
| owner            =
| num_employees    = "several dozen" in 2014, "several hundred" in FenSpace Infinities
| parent           =
| divisions        =
| subsid           =
| homepage         =
| footnotes        =
| intl             =
Technically formed October 14, 2008 when [[Jeph Antilles], [[Myk-El Miller], [[Nene Romanova] and [[R2-
G0] had a long, sit down discussion among themselves upon realizing that they needed to have something to
do, or go stark raving mad. Jeph had already planned on running small cargo between the various places that
were certain to crop up, Myk being an extra mouth that he'd not counted on made it an absolute certainty
that they had to get to work helping the fledgling Fenspace move goods.
By the time of SOS-Con, they were busy enough, both with shipping larger and larger cargo back and forth, as
well as Myk's well received 'Space Safety' and 'Safe Handwavium Handling' courses, that an expansion was
called for. Jeph was already toying with the potential of a fleet of cargo vessels.
Operation [[Great Justice] made it absolutely mandatory as demand for cargo services jumped through the
roof to support the growing military complex that was developing to handle the [[Boskonians].
It is fairly well known that JMC is one of the companies that gets called upon when the [[Blue Blazers]
need the ability to move large physical items on short notice. They participated in the evacuation of
[[Crystal Osaka] when that settlement was sabotaged by [[Reaver] activities.
By 2020, JMC has established a significant presence throughout the outer system, as well as in the inner
system. It's said by some that it's very difficult to not deal with them if you have any intention to run an
operation in Fenspace - even [[Greenwood, Unltd.] uses their services, despite having their own significant
internal shipping operations. By 2022, this made some in the United Belt Alliance uncomfortable enough that
it was easy for Mason to convince them that cancelling all contracts was a good idea.
The name 'Jupiter Mining Corporation' is partly a misnomer, a placeholder of sorts that never got properly
replaced, as the company only mines for its own purposes, predominately ices and hydrocarbons in orbit
around Jupiter itself. This doesn't mean that the company doesn't deal in mining business; shipping raw
materials and finished product from places like [[Prometheus Forge|The Forge], [[Hephaestus] and any place
the [[Rockhounds] have set up shop is a big part of the JMC docket on any given day. They will also bring
in products, mostly food, from Earth itself, settled into an 'office' practically next door to [[Hermes
Universal Deliveries]. This office is only used for contract negotiations and sales meetings; most of the
time operations are conducted directly from the Serenity Valley head offices, or from Starbug 1.
==The Fleet==
===Starbug 1===
''Full article: [[Starbug 1]''
Flagship and nominal headquarters when the company officers aren't sacked out in Melbourne, or in their
relatively modest digs in Serenity Valley. The first ship of the fleet, and used for many years as the
primary cargo hauler, Starbug 1 has basically been 'retired' from most active cargo service in lieu of the
expanded fleet. Instead, it serves, as part of a sideline set of contracts, as catering and transport for
crews of various documentary shows that come up from Earth, the most notable being the Fenspace special
episode of Top Gear, and a 'Handwavium Myths' episode of The Mythbusters.
===Starbug 2===
''Full article: [[Starbug 2]''
Bearing only an outward resemblance to her 'sister' craft Starbug 1, Starbug 2 is specifically designed and
constructed to serve as a lodging vessel for television show crews on especially large contracts. However,
there is sufficient cargo space and facilities available that she can be used when there are two separate
but concurrent show contracts to be filled. Her first 'role' was bringing a crew along for a special series
of 'Long Way' with Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman.
===The Blue Midgets===
''Full article: [[Blue Midget]''
More or less mass produced vehicles, they don't bear any more than superficial resemblance to the Blue
Midget designs from Red Dwarf, aside from being painted blue and boxy. As a single, each one is larger than
either Starbug, encompassing four decks, although a fair amount of the space in each is dedicated to cargo
and storage. Each has a crew of three, with more than adequate facilities to support six crew when
Due to it's large size, the Blue Midget class contains equipment for external umbilical docking with both
smaller craft, and larger stations. It also carries a single auxiliary craft, typically a 'waved Honda Fit
or equivalent.
All Blue Midgets are officially numbered rather than named, but each one has a name given it by the crew,
the most prominently known being 'Eat And Run'.
===Main Headquarters===
Located in Serenity Valley, the main headquarters is a large (some say it practically rivals the Soviet's
moon headquarters for size) array of domes and docking bays located a few miles distance from the main
settlement. Most of the space enclosed is given over to loading, unloading, and warehousing facilities to
support the fleet of Blue Midgets, with a dedicated set of slips for the Starbugs. There is enough space to
house a quarter of the ship crews in temporary lodgings at a given time.
Contained in the center of the beehive of constant activity is the administrative dome, where the business
operations themselves occur. The bulk of the facility is fairly unassuming, a range of old style cargo
containers and a couple of Irish blockhouses all bolted together into a fair approximation of an office
===Green Planetoidy===
''Full article: [[Green_Planetoidy]
Located in the L5 point near Earth, Green Planetoidy (don't ask) is basically a way station for JMC routes.
Cargos can be easily transferred here - in fact, a number of concerns with significant means themselves of
moving cargo, but not the ability to berth one of the Blue Midgets, will arrange to pick up or drop off
their shipments here instead.

{{JMC}}{{Corporations}}[[Category:JMC| ]

Starbug 2
|shipname     = ''Starbug 2''
|shipimage    =
|caption      =
|hull         = Custom three-deck passenger transport
|length       =
|width        =
|height       =
|mass         =
|drivetype    = [[Reactionless thrusters] (gravity drive)
|driverating  = max. velocity 0.05c
|weapons      =
|manufacturer =
|owner        = [[Jupiter Mining Corporation]
|flag         =
|faction      =   [[Jupiter Mining Corporation]
|registry     =
|datelaunched = July 2014
|purpose      = Personnel transport
|crew         = 3
|supcrew      = 15 passengers
|auxvehicles  = ''Ironhide'' (panel truck)
|status       = Active
Bearing only an outward resemblance to her 'sister' craft [[Starbug 1], '''Starbug 2''' is
specifically designed and constructed to serve as a lodging and filming vessel for
television show crews on especially large or long term contracts.
Internally, the ship is considerably more subdivided than [[Starbug 1], ironically
resembling the fourth series version of the ship. Most of the open space that constituted
the common room has been compartmentalized to provide additional bunks, a somewhat larger
galley space for meals, two offices for a director or producer, and a storage area for gear
for a production crew. The upper deck quarters area is given over to the JMC crew for the
Additionally, the ship boasts several hardpoints and accessways to mount cameras externally.
These are shielded appropriately for most any camera equipment a film crew may field, and
include adaptable cabling to connect the cameras to recording and control hardware.
While the ship is meant primarily to supplement Starbug 1 in television contract
fulfillment, there is sufficient cargo space and dedicated facilities available that she can
be used when there are two separate but concurrent show contracts to be filled.
Her first 'role' was bringing a crew along for a special series of 'Long Way' with Ewan
MacGregor and Charley Boorman.
====Known Vehicle Quirks====
* '''''Don't Rush Me!:'''' Anytime anyone on board is in a hurry to get moving, the engines
take 50% longer to actually cycle up than normal.
* '''''Watching My Knickers Spin Dry:'''' Doing laundry in the provided facilities on board
ship will shrink a random pair of boxers, or, if everyone on board prefers briefs, will
replace a pair of briefs with boxers, usually with no discrimination for gender or

{{JMC}}{{Space Ships}}

Blue Midget
|shipname     = ''Blue Midget''-series transport
|shipimage    =
|caption      =
|hull         = Custom four-deck cargo transport
|length       = 100 meters
|width        = 35 meters
|height       = 45 meters
|mass         =
|drivetype    = [[Reactionless thrusters] (gravity drive)
|driverating  = max. velocity 0.04c
|weapons      = none
|manufacturer =
|owner        = [[Jupiter Mining Corporation]
|flag         =
|faction      =   [[Jupiter Mining Corporation]
|registry     = JMCB-##
|datelaunched = July 2014
|purpose      = Cargo transport
|crew         = 3-6
|supcrew      =
|auxvehicles  = 1
|status       = Active
More or less mass produced vehicles, they don't bear any more than superficial resemblance to the Blue Midget designs from Red Dwarf, aside from being painted blue and boxy, with the rear section being dominated by an array of engines. As a single, each one is larger than either Starbug, encompassing four decks, although a fair amount of the space in each is dedicated to cargo and storage. Each has a crew of three, with more than adequate facilities to support six crew in reasonable comfort when necessary.
Due to its large size, the Blue Midget class contains equipment for external umbilical docking with both smaller craft, and larger stations. It also carries a single auxiliary craft, typically a 'waved Honda Fit or equivalent.
There is usually enough leftover crew space available that an enterprising hitchhiker, for a nominal fee, can hitch a lift aboard one if it's going the way they want to. Depending on the destination, it can be cheaper than hiring a dedicated transport, and in some cases considerably faster. Some Fen, particularly those who possess serious culinary skills, can do a "working route", going to various destinations by trading their labor for passage.
All Blue Midgets are officially numbered rather than named, but each one has a name given it by the crew, the most prominently known being 'Eat And Run'. In many cases this has extended to ships sporting "nose art", which, while not condoned, is also not directly frowned upon.
==Known Class Quirk==
* '''''Shake, Rattle and Roll:''''' Any attempt to push the vehicle past 50% of it's rated speed will result in the ship vibrating like it's about to shed every single bolt that holds it together.

{{JMC}}{{Space Ships}}
Green Planetoidy
|shipname     = L5 Station ''Green Planetoidy''
|shipimage    =
|caption      =
|hull         =
|length       =
|width        =
|height       =
|mass         =
|drivetype    =
|driverating  = Station-keeping only
|weapons      =
|manufacturer =
|owner        =  [[Jupiter Mining Corporation]
|flag         = [[Fenspace Convention]
|faction      = [[Jupiter Mining Corporation]
|registry     = L5-V
|datelaunched =
|purpose      = Cargo waypoint
|crew         =
|supcrew      = approximately 50 people
|auxvehicles  =
|status       = '''Active'''
''[[Jupiter Mining Corporation] cargo waypoint''
Green Planetoidy (don't ask) is basically a way station for JMC routes. Cargos can be easily transferred here - in fact, a number of concerns with significant means themselves of moving cargo, but not the ability to berth one of the Blue Midgets, will arrange to pick up or drop off their shipments here instead.
Construction was completed in 2015, with an initial 4 large cargo docks capable of accommodating ships the size of the Blue Midget class, enabling loading and unloading in full atmosphere, as well as a pair of dedicated slips for the Starbugs. By 2021, this was enlarged to 30 cargo docks. Most of the facility is grafted into an asteroid that was moved from the belt, and is honeycombed with passages and large bays with doors accessing the exterior of the asteroid. There is a large number of "buildings" along one large surface on the outside of the asteroid, making it strongly resemble the Space Academy facility from the old television series.
===Facility quirks===
''It's Not Easy Being Green'': The facility, while using the asthetic of the Red Dwarf series, is painted green. All the bulkheads, deck plates, walls, and other opaque surfaces are painted green. Any repairs or additions have green paint slowly oozing over them from already painted surfaces. Thankfully, this hasn't extended to anything NOT bolted down, nor to signage, at least not yet.
{{JMC}}{{Space Stations}}[[Category:Cislunar Space][[Category:Earth-Luna L5]

"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor

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[RFC] JFerio's JMC destubbing - by LynnInDenver - 04-17-2012, 09:20 PM

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