Hello! I am starting this topic to introduce myself. There I was, happily wasting most of my spare time reading internet fanfiction, when someone just had to post a Battletech ISOT in Spacebattles.
That just shows than you simply cannot trust a commie left unsupervised. I seldom read BT, but I love ISOTs of all kinds, so I just had to check. Several days of archive binge later, losing all my spare time and a few hours of extra sleep than I probably did not need anyway, here I am, a new fen.
Somewhen in the next years months days I will post a profile of my character, so I'd like to ask if there are some rough guidelines I should follow, and if I have too many Mary Sue traits than I need to tone down:
-I planned to make him early fen: A spaniard, independiently biomodded at home about the same time of That Con, and fled the planet in paranioa after the 17 biomods were sent somewere; by the time he knew Europe was not going the Area 51 route, he was already hiding in the moon. And the Professor had started his Reign of Terror, so he decided the Cry and Run Like a Little Girl school of Conflict Resolution was still perfectly valid, just in case. Mostly because, as clumsy as I am, I would not dare to use (mych less 'wave a spaceship) illegal handwavium after the scares and restrictions appeared.
-He'll start with a former laptop AI, a biomodded dog, and a handwaved excavator he "borrowed" from an open pit mine, but he will eventually create a big construction company, with several offices in the planets and main moons, and build a town in luna to live; at the end of the the Boskone war he will start building a huge space station in the style of warhammer 40K cathedral ships.
-While talking about Mary Sue traits, and my own lack of skills as a builder, corporate mogul and/or geneticist, I could try for a more logical extrapolaition... but I suspect the story woudl go "25 october, 13:00, launch. To boldy go where no Excavator has gone before!. 25 october, 13:12. Breaking news, live! A trail of burning shapnel and burned bits has opened a path of destrucion across northern Spain"
-So I will simply handwave (literally...) the problems. My fen will be more tech savvy than I am to start with, and the biomod will somehow increase his skills in the required sciences. Or it will make him more insane and eliminate the mental blocks to those skills, who knows.
-The skills in question: Since fenspace is about sci-fi dreams, mine have always been terraformation, exotic planes and pulp space opera civilizations. When I though about available vehicles, the excavators in the mine near my grandmother's village were the first thing I though, so the space construction company was born; but I miss the "terraformation" part. The ideal objetives of Genesis Construction and Development would be to enter a solar system with an empty planet, and leave it with a working biosphere and an entire planetary infraestructure built, ready for people. So I wanted to add "genetic engeneering" to my Mad Sceintis set of skills, but I do not want to infringe in The Jason, who as far as I know is Fenspace's Mad Botanist. I have settled in this:
----*The basic skillset is building things, from space-worthy cottages to city domes and full space stations. With a side of droid construction, as this was originally done with the help of robots, before there was enoug money to pay for human masons and builders. This is split in two with Bernie the AI doing the building blueprints, and Oscar creating the robots; both have some skills in the other's field, but this is their main expertise. Even if the droids look disturbingly insectoid sometimes.
----*Oscar is quite good at genetic alteration in bacteria, and can build animals and proteine vats which mostly work as he wanted then to (he gets better as time goes on). You could claim he is algo very good at designing plantlife. If you meant to create carnivore and/or blood drinking vegetables than ocasionally move when you are not looking. He will loudly claim to anyone who asks than, yes, that is what he wanted to do. But he will buy any of his biomoded plant life from The Jason. Eventually, one or more of the droids will Awaken; one of those will have botanic talent and settle as the company's Gardener.
-The biomod: Originally I wanted to try some sort of space elf or hanyou, being a nerd and all, but Dracula was on TV and I noticed than there is a lack of gothic monster fen in the setting. So I am a "vampire". Since turning to ashes in sunlight and feeding only human blood are deadly in space (where is is always day and there seldom is someone nearby) those quirks are a bit toned down, but still present.
When disolving his original solid handawe in water, he accidentally got a papercut, and discovered it disolved much faster with a drop of blood in the water. Later, while he was brushing some of the handwaved water to his laptop battery, the dog came to play. An almost grown Spanish Mastiff puppy running over a ceramic floor is not the best braker on the animal kingdom; the crash dumped half the bucket over himself, the dog and the laptop. Two days later, the laptop was an AI, the dog was the size of a pony and Oscar had lost his tan. And hearbeat.
-Faction: One of his "dark secrets" is than he never was a harcore fan. He has seen all of the Star Wasr movies... and that's it. Before leaving earth, he had never watched all the episodes of any other series: Star Trek, Buffy, Babylon 5, Naruto... He has watched part of the, but never the entire series. He knows most of those mainly from fanfiction.
In the faction politics, he is a generalist, but he is a firm supporter of Victorian steampunk; anything he builds ends full of monuments, marble, gothic butresses, statues, glass, brass fittings and so on. He sees utilitarian architecture as something a couple steps above thionite farming, and will only build such as a purety temporaty measure for emergency use. One that will not last a single second more than the necesary time to end the emergency and build the proper way. He will not step inside places like Moonbase Alpha unless absolutely necessary.
Following the victorian styles, he always dresses in 19th century formal wear (always white, but that is due to one of his quirks). All that tuxedo-wearing has had an strange effect: He is actually more on line with the pulpers, but since he more or less moved shop to Bristol while the Crystal cities were under construction, the senshi have somehow decided he is one of then. And there are those who dump him with the gearheads, much to his irritation. Do not mention the Stig to him.
He lives in the lunar city of Marduk, which he and Bernie slowly built as a base and then hometown. While he owns most of the city (he rents the houses to the inhabitants), he does not rule it; it elects a mayor. Built in stone, with a castle in the top, and a vampire lord, the city has become an unoficial haven for the gothic fen. He won't claim to head the gothic faction -indeed, he says there is no such faction. That does not stop some of then from calling him the Count when out of his hearing. Should you visit, enjoy the monumental views, the excellent cafès, the theater and opera houses. And do not ask about the four wooden, ten feet long impaling stakes than have been stuck in the plaza overlooking the castle gates since the Ninja Incident.
So, is there something I need to change or tone down? And what kind of past relationship is he allowed to have with the protagonists? I did not paln for him to be bosom biddies with Nah Scot or something of the sort, but maybe being in speaking terms with some movers ans skahers and such.
That just shows than you simply cannot trust a commie left unsupervised. I seldom read BT, but I love ISOTs of all kinds, so I just had to check. Several days of archive binge later, losing all my spare time and a few hours of extra sleep than I probably did not need anyway, here I am, a new fen.
Somewhen in the next years months days I will post a profile of my character, so I'd like to ask if there are some rough guidelines I should follow, and if I have too many Mary Sue traits than I need to tone down:
-I planned to make him early fen: A spaniard, independiently biomodded at home about the same time of That Con, and fled the planet in paranioa after the 17 biomods were sent somewere; by the time he knew Europe was not going the Area 51 route, he was already hiding in the moon. And the Professor had started his Reign of Terror, so he decided the Cry and Run Like a Little Girl school of Conflict Resolution was still perfectly valid, just in case. Mostly because, as clumsy as I am, I would not dare to use (mych less 'wave a spaceship) illegal handwavium after the scares and restrictions appeared.
-He'll start with a former laptop AI, a biomodded dog, and a handwaved excavator he "borrowed" from an open pit mine, but he will eventually create a big construction company, with several offices in the planets and main moons, and build a town in luna to live; at the end of the the Boskone war he will start building a huge space station in the style of warhammer 40K cathedral ships.
-While talking about Mary Sue traits, and my own lack of skills as a builder, corporate mogul and/or geneticist, I could try for a more logical extrapolaition... but I suspect the story woudl go "25 october, 13:00, launch. To boldy go where no Excavator has gone before!. 25 october, 13:12. Breaking news, live! A trail of burning shapnel and burned bits has opened a path of destrucion across northern Spain"
-So I will simply handwave (literally...) the problems. My fen will be more tech savvy than I am to start with, and the biomod will somehow increase his skills in the required sciences. Or it will make him more insane and eliminate the mental blocks to those skills, who knows.
-The skills in question: Since fenspace is about sci-fi dreams, mine have always been terraformation, exotic planes and pulp space opera civilizations. When I though about available vehicles, the excavators in the mine near my grandmother's village were the first thing I though, so the space construction company was born; but I miss the "terraformation" part. The ideal objetives of Genesis Construction and Development would be to enter a solar system with an empty planet, and leave it with a working biosphere and an entire planetary infraestructure built, ready for people. So I wanted to add "genetic engeneering" to my Mad Sceintis set of skills, but I do not want to infringe in The Jason, who as far as I know is Fenspace's Mad Botanist. I have settled in this:
----*The basic skillset is building things, from space-worthy cottages to city domes and full space stations. With a side of droid construction, as this was originally done with the help of robots, before there was enoug money to pay for human masons and builders. This is split in two with Bernie the AI doing the building blueprints, and Oscar creating the robots; both have some skills in the other's field, but this is their main expertise. Even if the droids look disturbingly insectoid sometimes.
----*Oscar is quite good at genetic alteration in bacteria, and can build animals and proteine vats which mostly work as he wanted then to (he gets better as time goes on). You could claim he is algo very good at designing plantlife. If you meant to create carnivore and/or blood drinking vegetables than ocasionally move when you are not looking. He will loudly claim to anyone who asks than, yes, that is what he wanted to do. But he will buy any of his biomoded plant life from The Jason. Eventually, one or more of the droids will Awaken; one of those will have botanic talent and settle as the company's Gardener.
-The biomod: Originally I wanted to try some sort of space elf or hanyou, being a nerd and all, but Dracula was on TV and I noticed than there is a lack of gothic monster fen in the setting. So I am a "vampire". Since turning to ashes in sunlight and feeding only human blood are deadly in space (where is is always day and there seldom is someone nearby) those quirks are a bit toned down, but still present.
When disolving his original solid handawe in water, he accidentally got a papercut, and discovered it disolved much faster with a drop of blood in the water. Later, while he was brushing some of the handwaved water to his laptop battery, the dog came to play. An almost grown Spanish Mastiff puppy running over a ceramic floor is not the best braker on the animal kingdom; the crash dumped half the bucket over himself, the dog and the laptop. Two days later, the laptop was an AI, the dog was the size of a pony and Oscar had lost his tan. And hearbeat.
-Faction: One of his "dark secrets" is than he never was a harcore fan. He has seen all of the Star Wasr movies... and that's it. Before leaving earth, he had never watched all the episodes of any other series: Star Trek, Buffy, Babylon 5, Naruto... He has watched part of the, but never the entire series. He knows most of those mainly from fanfiction.
In the faction politics, he is a generalist, but he is a firm supporter of Victorian steampunk; anything he builds ends full of monuments, marble, gothic butresses, statues, glass, brass fittings and so on. He sees utilitarian architecture as something a couple steps above thionite farming, and will only build such as a purety temporaty measure for emergency use. One that will not last a single second more than the necesary time to end the emergency and build the proper way. He will not step inside places like Moonbase Alpha unless absolutely necessary.
Following the victorian styles, he always dresses in 19th century formal wear (always white, but that is due to one of his quirks). All that tuxedo-wearing has had an strange effect: He is actually more on line with the pulpers, but since he more or less moved shop to Bristol while the Crystal cities were under construction, the senshi have somehow decided he is one of then. And there are those who dump him with the gearheads, much to his irritation. Do not mention the Stig to him.
He lives in the lunar city of Marduk, which he and Bernie slowly built as a base and then hometown. While he owns most of the city (he rents the houses to the inhabitants), he does not rule it; it elects a mayor. Built in stone, with a castle in the top, and a vampire lord, the city has become an unoficial haven for the gothic fen. He won't claim to head the gothic faction -indeed, he says there is no such faction. That does not stop some of then from calling him the Count when out of his hearing. Should you visit, enjoy the monumental views, the excellent cafès, the theater and opera houses. And do not ask about the four wooden, ten feet long impaling stakes than have been stuck in the plaza overlooking the castle gates since the Ninja Incident.
So, is there something I need to change or tone down? And what kind of past relationship is he allowed to have with the protagonists? I did not paln for him to be bosom biddies with Nah Scot or something of the sort, but maybe being in speaking terms with some movers ans skahers and such.