Quote:HRogge wrote:I know. I will confess than I meant to simply "magic" the excavator into a construction droid, but I suspected it would be excessive; that's why I finally had the original 'wave to just change the arm and all the rest of the construction elements will have to be built and added later.
Just don't forget that Handwavium is not magic, so don't overdo the flexibility of your ideas.
Difficult, very difficult... these things are huge, and stealing one would definitely nothing you can easily do.
Maybe build a "miniature version" later on the moon, the original ones are 200+m long, up to 100 meter high and have a mass of up to 14000 tons.
And what do you meant, "miniature"? Spoil all the awesomeness? Bigger Is Better. But I did not plan to steal it, rather buy (or build) one. Except for the initial theft, done while running in fear for his life (or so he thought), I planned to make Oscar as honest as possible when you are an insane handwavium mad doctor living in the moon. With a private lab.
Quote:Timote wrote:Everyone has trouble picturing how the dog gets up, including Oscar. Indeed, when you try to get it up by yourself is a nightmare. That never stoped the damm mutt to get up anyway when no one was looking, and you did not want it up there unsupervised, chewing your latest laser module prototype.
I am having some rouble picturing how the dog gets up to the topdeck. maybe replace the ladder with a set of stairs. Luckily it looks like you have a bit more room to work with at the back.
Keep in mind that if he was a early Fen, there may not have been much of a settlement/presence on Luna to stop at.
As for the bucket excavator, anyone else picturing one accompanying the Great Justice assault on Boskon Prime and playing 'can-opener'? 8)
I checked the wiki, and I will be up before Stellvia (april 4, 2008), wich I meant to be my first stop. I'll run sometime in january 2008, but Starbase 1 began in november, so there will be somewere to stop. Does someone know when the construction of Kandor started? Because it wouldbe the perfect time to move shop to the moon and start in the construction business.
I was thinking more on the lines of "battering ram", but I think I will design a can opener function when Great Justice starts and send a couple or three of excavator ships...
Also, the quirks:
And the name, wich I just realized I did not say: His name is Oscar Vykos -he did not want to get something cliche like Dracula or Sanguinus, so he selected the first less known (but still cool-sounding) vampire surname he though (Sasha Vykos, Tzimische from Vampire: The Masquerade. He only later rememebred Vykos is a female. Most of the time, because, well, Tzimische).
The dog is Tristan (his original pre-mod name), the AI is Bernini ("Bernie"), and the ship is Scorpio.
The biomod advantages are your standard vampiric package, strentgh, speed, fast healing, and such. He looks younger, in his late teens, and is much paler. He has not aged visibly, but it it too soon to know if he is actually unaging or only looks unaging
Mundane quirks:
-I am not the Stig, dammit!: When he left earth, he 'waved a boilersuit and a bike helmet, which he painted white beforehand because he was (and still is) convinced than handwavium works better if you follow the proper dramatic conventions: Space suits are white, so his had to be white. If he had a satellite with BBC International, or if Top Gear had begun airing in Spain in 2007, rather than 2011, he probably would have chosen bright orange instead. He spent the time a certain british TV crew were working in Mars making sure he was all the time in very visible locations in Kandor.
-It will get worse: A cinic, he always wants to jump and ready himself for the worst (or most irritating) outcome, even if it would not be the best solution. Since the last time he did that, he ended up in space with a stolen excavator and almost no supplies (when he actually could have stayed home with no legal problems), now he waits and thinks to see if the action is needed. But he still will get ready for the worsk outcome anyway, should it be necessary.
'Wave quirks:
-Drinks blood. He needs to eat normal foor -though in smaller portions than a normal human would need, but he also needs a steady diet of blood. Normally he only looks pale, but after a week lacking human blood, he looks like a reanimated corpse. After two weeks, his face starts to change into a a vampire's "gameface" from the Buffy series; at three weeks, the change is full. He does not know yet, because the longest he had been without food is seven weeks, but if he stays six months dry, he will start to change into the next evolution of Buffy vamps, Kakistos's mutant goat body.
Animal blood keeps him in the "reanimated corpse" stage. Frozen human blood will work as normal blood, but tastes terrible. Blood Oranges, once developed, work as a substitute. Normal oranges have no taste, while the original, 'wavium laced strain will give him a sugar rush.
-Daylight sensitive: His sight gets really bad, and has a constant, low level headache, when he is under the daylight. It is much, much worse in Earth itself. Now, "night" is that time when there is a celestial body between you and the sun (usually, the planet under your feet). Which means, in space it is always day. Fortunately, this quirk only seems to act when he is on an actual planet or moon.
-Sleep in your home ground: While he does not need to sleep in a coffin buried in his birth soil, as some vampire myths, he cannor rest properly when not in a planet or moon. If he lives on a space station or ship, he will feel more trired as time goes on.
-The Power of Blood: All his original 'wavium experiments, including his biomod, were done with a mixture of wavium, water and blood. Now he cannot use any liquit form of handwavium if it is not mixed with a few drops of blood -and blood orange blood does not count. Not surprisingly, this tends to cause weird quirks.
-Always White: This is one of those weird quirks. He always dresses in white formal clothes. That, he claims, is because blood shows better in white. The truth is than he waved his first space suit by mixing the blood wavium and normal white paint, and dumping the clothes inside. Ever since then, any clothes he handwaves will turn white. He could use unwaved clothes, or let someone else wave then. But they probably would not add the extra reinforcement for stakes (wich may be a myth, btu he is not going to risk discovering otherwise)
After many, many failed efforts, he finally discovered than a 50% of blood in the mixture will change the color (to blood red), so now he ocasionally will appear with red hankerchiefs and shirts. He had never bothered to explain why he hanwdaves his handkerchief, either. For some reason, people find a vampire dressing in a white suit and a blood red shirt just as creepy as a vamp dressed all in white. People are weird like that.
-Red Tumb. From a certain point of view, he is very good at creating waved plants. Those plants are, without exception, blood drinkers or flesh eaters, move on their own -some ove then even walk on their own, and stare at you hungrily. Even when you could swear they have no eyes. So this "point of view" is shared by few people. Just never wander inside the gardens of the Ziggurath Labs.
-That makes no sense! His exposure to fandom was, mainly, via fanfiction. So he has developed a very low tolerance for plotholes and stupid story arcs, both in fanfiction and the originals. No matter how much he tries, he will not be able to reproduce any fictional technology or magitech than creates a plothole, requires the cast to he handed the Stupid Ball, or simply makes not sense in general. That happens even if he is sitting besides a trekkie who is actually building said tech, succesfully.