Foxboy Wrote:"So," Eljay said. "Lemme get this straight. The two of you... are working together to fund a shell for ZNN's Cronkite?" Giddy giggles exploded from the puppeteer. He suddenly turned deadly serious. "How old do you want to make him? I'm putting my own share into it, by the way. Honest news is nothing to sneeze at."(Simultaneous):
Natalie: "Thirty."
Marsden: "Fifty."
The two turned and glared at one another, Chris's hands flexing into fists, then relaxing. They then both immediately turn their backs on one another and cross their arms over their chests, in a perfect mirror image. If it wasn't utterly ridiculous, you could easily assume they'd rehearsed the scene.
"Cronkite was respected most in his later years. Besides, age lends gravitas," Chris argued.
"That doesn't mean we need to saddle this version with a creaky, age-addled body," replied Baker.
"Well, of course not. Nothing says he has to be that old underneath. Just enough gray to garner respect."
"So why don't -you- show any gray?" Natalie snapped back at him, looking over her shoulder.
"Because I'm not fifty," said Marsden, peering back over his shoulder at her.
"Fine. Forty," was countered by "Forty-five," and they settled a moment later on "Forty-two".
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