Rakhasa Wrote:Evil Mad doctors, Jaegermonsters. But this is before may 2008, so she had not awakened yet...That's the last I currently plan to do with Uncle Jack, and Emily. I've also got most of Brains origin and back story into here, so don't expect much more of that.
I wonder if we are going to discover the one who turned our favorite Sparky Boskonian to the Dark side...
As for 'Girl Genius' Dark Fen, there have been stories in the British media, last few years, about things going wrong in (a few) hospitals and care homes. Including suspicious deaths, that have resulted in some convictions. Adding handwavium and someone with eugenicist leanings, they wouldn't even have to be active outside the UK? Though you might wonder about the origin of the 'mind drug'. Maybe the now child-like 'care assistant' was one of the early sucesses?
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind