Ah, the Character Guide. The one place I didn't check. *checks* Well, I think Vangeek is still occasionally around as a kibitzer like me, if not an actually writing anymore. The... sublime stubness of the pages for the other four, though, is highly indicative. Your faction (mostly), your project even (we all contribute, but you have the wizbit), your choice; but even if I had the power to block the retcon, my only comment would be "What about Vangeek?". Elena van Oorebeek has a presence in a few stories, but the others are total ciphers, and so don't really exist to be retconned away.
In summation: Even knowing that it is a retcon, I say go for it. Ms. van Oorebeek will simply have to find her own way Up.
In summation: Even knowing that it is a retcon, I say go for it. Ms. van Oorebeek will simply have to find her own way Up.