Or, it could be that Arthur was hired by Padrig and the whole "pretend to be loyal till you hear from me again" bit is meant to keep them loyal, as they'll actually never hear from their Charlie again.
Or rather, until someone cracks their secret and pretends to be charlie to use them against padrig.
OOOO... An Idea born of sleep deprevation to consider here. The Boskonians find out about this and 'activate' the angels, and effectively use Padrig secrecy against him. The Angels think they are working on the side of the Angels against Padrig, but what they are actually doing is covertly allowing the Boskonians to use O'Niel staion as a waypoint in... in...
Well, that would depend, wouldnt it? Gives us a plot hook to use etc without fleshing it out too much?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Or rather, until someone cracks their secret and pretends to be charlie to use them against padrig.
OOOO... An Idea born of sleep deprevation to consider here. The Boskonians find out about this and 'activate' the angels, and effectively use Padrig secrecy against him. The Angels think they are working on the side of the Angels against Padrig, but what they are actually doing is covertly allowing the Boskonians to use O'Niel staion as a waypoint in... in...
Well, that would depend, wouldnt it? Gives us a plot hook to use etc without fleshing it out too much?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children