Rakhasa Wrote:If you work your way back up the chain Arthur was hired by Padraig ('Patrick' for the non-Gaelic). This becomes apparent in the next story which occurs to me.Quote:blackaeronaut wrote:
And the best part is that someone has slipped moles into O'Niel's operations and he doesn't even know it! HAH!Quote:Star Ranger4 wrote:Handwavium. Which was fed with a very specific fandom. And the wave does not like when someone tries to derail its plots... "Charlie" may find himself leading a detective agency no matter how fast he tried to run.
Or, it could be that Arthur was hired by Padrig and the whole "pretend to be loyal till you hear from me again" bit is meant to keep them loyal, as they'll actually never hear from their Charlie again.
As for subverting the Angels, they know their "Charlie", and no one could ever substitute for him. [grin]
I wonder if Padraig gets upset if people call him 'Patrick', and spell his name that way?
As to Arthur ending up running a detective agency, you'll just have to wait and see. [grin]
And, given the mix of fandoms involved in the Angels...
Coming soon: The Hollywood Machine. [grin]
((Do you think it is a good job no one has tried to call them 'Lovely Angels'? [grin] ))
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind