Ace Dreamer Wrote:Charlie works best for them as a mysterious icon, almost like an imprisoned king, who can only work in the world through them. Mystical. I think that mystery is an important part of their relationship with him, and there are serious limits to how much they're prepared to strain it by speculating.Oh... oh! I just had an Idea. Charlie, in a way, and for both the Angels and the show viewers, does not exist. He is only ever "seen" as a disenbodied voice in a phone.
But, I might be completely wrong! [grin]
In other words, a perfect job for an accidentally born AI, living in the Internet, than no one, including the creator (maybe Arthur in his first experiment? Mabye Arthur's friend Dave?) knows even exist.
Except the Angels, of course, because he is Charlie. Deep covers do end eventually, and Charlie will have to phone then and give then their new mission...