Nene looked vaguely ill as Jeph opened the metal courier case, and pulled out a handgun that looked like a strange cross between a typical Browncoat pistol and an elegant Warsie blaster.
"...I never actually thought you were a serious gun type." She finally got out around a swallow. "I always thought you admired from afar."
"Normally, yes," Jeph commented as he opened the revolver, spun the chambers, sighted down the barrel from inside, then closed it all back up and set it down on the table. It was obvious that he at least knew how to handle a gun, but his skills were basic and somewhat rusty. "But, you know, when I saw it come up on the Frigga mailing list that they were making some... and Ford owed me for a favor or two. Not that I didn't pay for this, mind." He grinned. "I'll probably arrange to have the North bay set up with the firing range so that I can give it a good test run."
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
"...I never actually thought you were a serious gun type." She finally got out around a swallow. "I always thought you admired from afar."
"Normally, yes," Jeph commented as he opened the revolver, spun the chambers, sighted down the barrel from inside, then closed it all back up and set it down on the table. It was obvious that he at least knew how to handle a gun, but his skills were basic and somewhat rusty. "But, you know, when I saw it come up on the Frigga mailing list that they were making some... and Ford owed me for a favor or two. Not that I didn't pay for this, mind." He grinned. "I'll probably arrange to have the North bay set up with the firing range so that I can give it a good test run."
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor