Rakhasa Wrote:I may some day examine the station in a fic... it's giving me ideas... and, just to be clear, none of then are something as mundane as "a bunch of millionaries in their gated comunity" Secrets Societies and Conspiracy theories go hand in hand in Marduk, and the prnk station idea is gold.Sometimes the most fun idea is "all of the above, and more".
Given a rumour of Super involvement, other Supers might contact and see if there is any room left. Where is/did Asmodeus Grey hang out? (Early Boskone base, but, only in one small corner?)
I thought using a lot of internal space and handwavium gravity control combined with holograms might give you ways of building some of Escher's painitings you could walk through. Or, Dali? If you've seen some of the 'Impossible in Real Life' art exhibits built in "Second Life" that might give you some ideas. That's about as far as I got...
I don't think I'm going any further with this, so, go for it! [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind