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[RFC] "Arthur's Caught" on Fenwiki
[RFC] "Arthur's Caught" on Fenwiki
I've put "Arthur's Caught" on the Fen wiki:
This constitutes the first 'Chapter' (five stories).
Now with added references! [grin]
And, Fenspace dates on all the stories.
It's not accessable by the Season 0 Stories, yet, and has lots of dangling references, but I thought I'd better see if people thought it looked OK.
((OK, because I can't leave well alone, 'Rule', the second chapter is up as well.  And the're both in the 'Season 0' index.  And...))
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

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[RFC] "Arthur's Caught" on Fenwiki - by Ace Dreamer - 07-18-2012, 07:58 PM

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