Dartz Wrote:They're sure not wrong....OK. That makes sense.
Although, Ciara's crew probably embarrassed the government into a crackdown. And Jet Jaguar sure didn't make it better, antagonising them into chasing him down..... (Still believing Jet was an 'Iron Man' in a suit and not the whole aircraft). It was my intention that the government used the handwavium crisis as smoke and mirrors to take the edge off the economic crisis and push it off the front page of the news, and SS Ciara and Jet Jaguar played right into that. Especially the Ciara, being a former Navy ship bought and handwaved. Jet being a bit 'with great power comes great fun and to hell with your responsibility' didn't make their position better.
Once it's been demonstrated to them that there's money in them thar fen, or the government changes over, or both, they'll sign Kandor just to get in on the cash. It won't be a boom, but it'll be better than a bust, and being an EU market helps.
Oh, and HRM = Handwavium Rights Management. Although it's quite likely that handwavium will also take into account the rights of the user...
When do you think they were willing to sign Kandor? In particular the AI-rights stuff that will really upset the Church? Did Arthur have to threaten to take his whole business out of Eire?
I ask because its the sort of thing that might be commented on, in the next Arthur stories that I seem to have ended-up writing. [grin]
I'd have never guessed 'rights management'! I thought 'HR' might be 'His Royal' something.
I think it's likely some poor robot, waved-up from a "Wright Frame", by Fen, ended up confined to Earth, and the story of this got around.
Hopefully it was just an AI remote, not a stand-alone AI. If it was a stand-alone, and Arthur got to hear, he'd do his best to help with any problems.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind