Star Ranger4 Wrote:So, in theory, and two members of any 'race' could interbreed (assuming their 'plumbing' can connect or artificial insemination) however, their child would be a normal unmodified human unless special steps are taken.The "unbiomodded human child" part would probably be very, very dependent upon the nature of the biomod. Some biomods are handwavium "clean", there is no handwavium in their bodies anymore, even though they're now effectively immune to (most) handwavium effects without some sort of additional (hard) shove. However, other mods out there, such as A.C. Peters and Jet Jaguar, have handwavium in their bodies all the time, either because they've essentially become an intelligent batch strain of the stuff (like A.C.) or need to consume certain amounts of it to stay healthy (like Jet).
With that said, a child coming out already biomodded is exceptionally unlikely to be some sort of cthuloid horror. In addition, those that are iffy on whether or not they can "pass on" a biomod, or know for a fact that they've got biomod-ready levels of handwavium in their bodies, are going to pack the prophylactics for any, erm, romantic encounters. If anything, to protect their prospective (and likely unbiomodded) partners.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor