ClassicDrogn Wrote:Handwavium doesn't much like things that go boom, so getting it to produce actual antimatter should be a little trickier than that... Cuteness as a waste product of Cool seems somehow off as well, though.Handwavium does seem much more fond of cute than boom...
Somehow safe anti-matter??? Lots of fizzle, no boom? Lots of blackened faces and frizzy hair?
(Honest, the anti-matter is nearly totally out-of-phase in meta space. Honest.)
Maybe a 'chill out' ray might be considered, or maybe an 'ubercute gun', that makes its targets, living or non-living, just stand around grinning, while little stars and hearts orbit their heads...
Possibly Off Topic, but does a (temporary) 'chibi-fication ray' sound feasible?
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind