Kammer Gruppe members usually.... unless someone with less obvious augmentation's is requested, in which case one of the TUNED Gruppe will appearr. They tend to pass as human much easier.
And yes, Jet can lift it. But, unfortunately there was nothing good on at the time.
Now. Time for some Jepoardy.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
And yes, Jet can lift it. But, unfortunately there was nothing good on at the time.
Now. Time for some Jepoardy.
Quote:I think it'd be a fair fight. I won't say more than that.
Quote:That sounds like too much of a busman's holiday. I sandbox a lot though, when I can get somewhere with a decent interwave hookup.
Quote:Actually, we've never met.
Quote:I really don't remember. For me, it was a Tuesday.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?