Tonnage can also be turned against you. Yes, you're allowed 3,000 tonnes of military hardware. Are you going to use it all on a few big ships, or have a lot of fighters or drones? What about self-guided missiles? Is troop hardware also included in that limitation?
The rules-laywers and actual laywers will have a field day arguing all this out.
I too like the 'prototype is part of the design phase' idea. However, in practical terms that means two prototypes, one for usage test, one for stress test. Unless you use one to get an idea of its limits, then stress test it to destrunction and build a new one.
The rules-laywers and actual laywers will have a field day arguing all this out.
I too like the 'prototype is part of the design phase' idea. However, in practical terms that means two prototypes, one for usage test, one for stress test. Unless you use one to get an idea of its limits, then stress test it to destrunction and build a new one.