KJ Wrote:Okay. And by "authorized shipyards" what I at least have in mind is "filed paperwork agreeing to little control visits and the rest of the terms" not "zomg, you weren't there when we drafted this, no way!". So, Jenga as an example, coming online, would be something on the order of "Hey, we want to expand to build stuff that's probably above the 'warship' line." "Cool, thanks for letting us know. Here's some paperwork talking about commitments everyone else doing so have agreed to; visits to see how and what you're up to, coming under GJ chain of command, technical crap about communications standards, etc. We look forwards to seeing what you come up with."
"Authorized shipyards" sounded like a pretty limited and finite set for me, something like "build it in a shipyard of one of the big factions"... thats where we derailed your suggestion.
Maybe instead of fixing everything with a set of rules, there could be some small contract involved between factions/groups that want to try to build "big stuff" and the Convention... if people cannot agree and stay unreasonable, this can be talked about on the next convention. But I do not think that most people will be unreasonable.