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[Story] Roleplay
"Dr. Katsuhito Stingray is the father of Sylia and Mackie. In a metaphorical sense he is also the father of boomers. Once a brilliant scientist for Wiz (Uiz) labratories who spear headed the revolutionary designs of robotics and genitics he died in a lab accident. Rather than allow his research to fall into Genom's hands he chose a select few to inherit it. One of which was Sylia. Genom would later use what they could find to continue his research and create the modern day boomer."

"Quincy is the world leader, or at the very least his company is, through his leadership Genom now dominates all fields of technology. But, let there be no doubt why his company dominates, Quincy is ruthless. He is willing to go to all lengths to ensure his companies role as an industrial leader, including illegal means. He has enough power that he dictates and manipulates the Japanese government, while attempting to do so with other nations as well, especially with those that resist Genom's influence. Over the decades, he has systematically bought out, or brought to ruin, those companies that have had made breakthroughs in robotics and biotechnologies. Including one company, Wiz Laboratories, that lead the development of boomers with Dr. Katsuhito Stingray, a technology unique to itself, being neither robotic or cybernetic. After which Genom held the patents for this technology that would change the face of human society forever, giving themselves an advantage over it's closest competitors that they couldn't hope."

"Brian J. Mason is Quincy's "secretary," in other words the words second most powerful man in the world. He is also a visionary, ambitious and frankly, as ruthless as his employer. Mason climbed the corporate ladder, like his colleagues around him, except he was willing to step over the line, to do acts that his colleagues wouldn't even dream of, such as murder. After acquiring Wiz Laboratories boomer projects, his position was sky rocketted in Genom. Mason answers directly to Quincy, and plays what could be a very dangerous position within the company, one as public relations, the other as illegal operative. Mason leads several illegal operations within Genom, including the development of millitary and super boomers, and a related operation to force MegaTokyo citizens to sell their property to Genom. His latest operation was to infiltrate USSD and retrieve the 'black box' for Genom's newest boomer creation."

(Data from: )

Does this mean that handwavium is going to try and cast "Dr Stingray", "Quincy" and "Mason"?

Is Kotono going to have a friend "Irene Chang" killed by boomer minions of Mason to 'motivate' her?

It might suggest that AIs around Jet will need to be really, really, careful what they do...

"Jet, I Am Your Father." [harsh breathing sounds] "And the ruddy handwavium keeps trying to kill me!" [grin]

Does Katz Schrödinger need to be really, really, careful? [grin]

GENOM might map to CHOAM, which would suggest O'Niell as being pegged to be Quincy (would he use robot doubles for public appearances?), and imply CHOAM is behind the UBM?

So, Mason of the UBM is implied to work for CHOAM, who are trying to leverage control of mining in the Belt?

Continuing the logic, you might look for engineered 'accidents' among mining robots in the belt, that could be traced back to their manufacture by CHOAM...

And some kind of Over Mind Control (OMS) system based on a special chip/module which allows control of WMD in the Belt. Or, even control of all CHOAM-supplied robots...

Someone who was suspicious about these trends might start circulating open-source code to let owners of CHOAM-supplied robots "jailbreak" them... Not to mention taking a really hard look at any CHOAM-supplied modules in defensive weaponry deployed across the Belt... If they are really unlucky such a person might have a fiance who was in an aerobics class shared by Kotono...

Is it just the VOOMER cores, or is it a question of how far will handwavium go in trying to manipulate the Plot?

Poor Ford looks to be being set-up to be "Fargo"...

Just saying...
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

Messages In This Thread
[Story] Roleplay - by Dartz - 08-23-2012, 02:28 AM
[No subject] - by Ace Dreamer - 08-23-2012, 09:44 AM
[No subject] - by Dartz - 08-23-2012, 12:43 PM
CHOAM robots - by Ace Dreamer - 08-23-2012, 04:41 PM
[No subject] - by Ace Dreamer - 08-23-2012, 04:48 PM

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