Also, everything is completely unpredictable in the absence of data. Gathering data is what the scientific method is all about. And while how Handwavium does its thing remains mysterious, what it does and what influences its effects can both be scientifically studied.
Let me put it this way: was chemistry less of a science before atomic physics explained the mechanism behind it? Of course not. Science is far more about what we don't understand than it is about what we do. That's part of why it's so marvelous. If you think all of Handwavium's weirdnesses further remove it from "any level of science", then you don't understand what science really is.
Let me put it this way: was chemistry less of a science before atomic physics explained the mechanism behind it? Of course not. Science is far more about what we don't understand than it is about what we do. That's part of why it's so marvelous. If you think all of Handwavium's weirdnesses further remove it from "any level of science", then you don't understand what science really is.