Why not make him the logistical genius behind the scenes that makes the rest of the attack timelines possible?
Brains makes a visit to the Courners for ... Hmm. Dr V wants to do a follow op on one or more fenkinder who were caught in the attack to make sure that the kids wern't exposed to anything that caused slow long term issues rather than being immediatly apparent.
While there he has a chance encounter with Haruhi, who's quirks allow her to a)Notice Brains desipite the 'somebody elses problem' field his chair creates, B)Realise that she needs Brains organizing supplies and, C) Talk Brains into it?
Hidden under the codename Q (for quartermaster) everyone assumes that Q is some sort of weapons technologist, not the guy who cements the victory by making sure what's needed is where its needed, almost before anyone else realizes it will be needed there/
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Brains makes a visit to the Courners for ... Hmm. Dr V wants to do a follow op on one or more fenkinder who were caught in the attack to make sure that the kids wern't exposed to anything that caused slow long term issues rather than being immediatly apparent.
While there he has a chance encounter with Haruhi, who's quirks allow her to a)Notice Brains desipite the 'somebody elses problem' field his chair creates, B)Realise that she needs Brains organizing supplies and, C) Talk Brains into it?
Hidden under the codename Q (for quartermaster) everyone assumes that Q is some sort of weapons technologist, not the guy who cements the victory by making sure what's needed is where its needed, almost before anyone else realizes it will be needed there/
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children