HRogge Wrote:It's an interestng point to consider. Liberatrix catgilrs are their own society, and chances are that they are the most isolated and closed of all the catgirls -the most traumatized of then, which left for their new home and are too scared/angry/etc to deal with strangers.Rakhasa Wrote:Because being bitter just after the war is perfectly reasonable, but still having this kind of attitude ("They enjoy beign catgilrs? How do they dare!") in 2019 is worrying -most of then, after all, only have the memory of being catgirls, not the person they were before.I would guess its more a reflexive answer by some of them in 2018... but maybe its a little bit over the top and I should remove the comment (and deal with it with some more writeup about Liberatrix).
The average fen would understand this, and would leave them alone for the most part. But the catgirls who did not exile thenselves to Liberatrix face different challenges as the years go by: Yes, theirs was the most evil and traumatic biomod. But they are not the onyl poeple in fnespace who have gotten unwilling biomods -accidental biomods are a high percentage of the total. Some of those unwilling biomods are even caused by criminals, some are mods to furries, some are gender changes, and even a few (like Cathy or Shuko) are to actual catgirls.
They would get some slack the first few years, but someone who had an accident and got turned into a dogboy, and then rebuilt their life, would get quite offended when facing this kind of self-loathing angst. A catgirl (former) vitcim, who also rebuilt her life, would even get more offended ("what are you suggesting, bitch, that I spend my whole life whining like you do?"). So catgirls that live in the main society -even Liberatrix catgirls that ned to leave form time to time for their own business- would slowly lose this attitude, and hopefully would eventually also lose their own self-hatred and learn to enjoy life again.
I think that Liberatrix will have a sharp societal divide between those victims and the catgirls that have managed to start heal ing their traumas, and there probably would be groups of catgilrs that are triing to heal those hermits the best way they can. Of course this does not mean that they will tell those private catgilr problems to strangers of visitors in Liberatrix...