robkelk Wrote:I assume there are other, similar questions about mismatching universes in the multiverse...
So, once again, I see the need for a coherent set of rules - but now I see that they need to allow for fringe cases.
robkelk Wrote:How much mana is there in Fenspace?Exactly... not necessarily a ruleset "what can be done with magic" but more something on the meta-level "what do we want to allow for Season 3 for magic"

M Fnord Wrote:The point of that little diatribe is this: you're working on the assumption that "magic exists" automatically equals "everybody's suddenly an archmage." That's kind of a dumb assumptionSure...
exaggeration helps to explain a point.

Quote:To all: The LORD your Mod has heard your cries, and initial rulings will be coming forthwith. Tonight at the earliest/latest, I think.Some rough guidelines would be perfect.