1) Ramona Wandblume aka Shego : An ex-elementary teacher fired because her je ne sais quoi caused her coworkers to dislike her, and her students to live in awe of her. Secretly exposed to 'Wavium by the student equivalent of her High Priest--he put it in her coffee (it seemed like a good idea at the time)--Wandblume woke up the next morning to some physical and mental changes. First, she was green-ish ; second, that thing that made her anxious & self-doubting--that je ne sais quoi with the consistent negative social peer reactions--was replaced by an awesome feeling of confidence. The 'Wavium had altered her mysterious quoi signature--transmitted and fed back--from the realm of antsy doubt to the kingdom of confidant awesomeness. There is no actual competency attached to this effect. It merely has the effect of convincing herself and others that she is competent at what she does. Even when she fails, it is perceived to be for reasons beyond her mortal control. Looking for the most awesome career to fit the new her she quickly set upon heading space wards ala the time-tested manner of 'waved-up automobile. In Fen she takes to being a trouble-shooter with mixed yet very entertaining results. She does well enough and nothing important explodes, but it does get old soon. She meets Van Loan when he accepts a job from him. The job fails and they have the heady row that only happens with the interaction of the volatile chemical bonds of red-hot chemistry. A week later, Van Loan calls her to apologize and pursue ; after a brief bout of mock coy, Wandblume accepts on both counts.
2) Van Loan aka Dr. Drakken : An educational assistant looking to merely vacate in Fen, Van Loan nearly died when he rode up on the wrong side of the hull of his 'waved-up Alvin Sphere. Splashed with the 'Wavium he was painting the hull with and exposed to ultra-high altitude before climbing within his vessel, he turned uniformly cyan. He also developed an inner & alarmingly feminine voice that knows how to build remarkable stuff : it's usually weird, highly quirky and of little practical use, but every now and then it's something of actual value. For every 1,000 gimcracks and oddities--invisible supercomputers and overly-smart pacifistic bombs --there are grey-water reclaimer blue-green algae cultures & ultra-high-potency hydroponic processes. The flashy nonsense inventions make him popular as the armorer for the various sentai and senshi of the Crystal Millennium. He enters into a contract to supply baubles and wands and to act as a suitably nefarious contract villain. This pays the bills but becomes a drag. He hooks up with Wandblume ; they continue working for the Millennium for a year, and then negotiate a new semi-detached armorer contract. The couple moves to a rundown orbital convention/theme park and start up their own consulting business, Venusian Ventures. This firm is contacted by elements of the Patrol to look into the formation of an all-goth-girl sentai team.
2) Van Loan aka Dr. Drakken : An educational assistant looking to merely vacate in Fen, Van Loan nearly died when he rode up on the wrong side of the hull of his 'waved-up Alvin Sphere. Splashed with the 'Wavium he was painting the hull with and exposed to ultra-high altitude before climbing within his vessel, he turned uniformly cyan. He also developed an inner & alarmingly feminine voice that knows how to build remarkable stuff : it's usually weird, highly quirky and of little practical use, but every now and then it's something of actual value. For every 1,000 gimcracks and oddities--invisible supercomputers and overly-smart pacifistic bombs --there are grey-water reclaimer blue-green algae cultures & ultra-high-potency hydroponic processes. The flashy nonsense inventions make him popular as the armorer for the various sentai and senshi of the Crystal Millennium. He enters into a contract to supply baubles and wands and to act as a suitably nefarious contract villain. This pays the bills but becomes a drag. He hooks up with Wandblume ; they continue working for the Millennium for a year, and then negotiate a new semi-detached armorer contract. The couple moves to a rundown orbital convention/theme park and start up their own consulting business, Venusian Ventures. This firm is contacted by elements of the Patrol to look into the formation of an all-goth-girl sentai team.