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[RFC] Lunar Fox
[RFC] Lunar Fox
Mal had no objections when I showed him this in IRC I'm still going to post it here for consideration.
|shipname= Lunar Fox
|hull= Custom - Based off the Systems Alliance Cruiser from Mass Effect
|length= Main 40 meters - Full 70 meters
|width= Main 6 meters - Full 32 meters
|height= Main 8 meters - Full 21 meters
|drivetype= x2 Plasma Spike Engines
|driverating= 0.05
|manufacturer= Volunteers, $Daneside Company, $Fen Company
|owner= Dakota
|flag= Kandor City
|port= Kandor City
|purpose= Houseboat, Workshop
|datelaunched= Late 2021
|crew= One to Six
|faction= Supers
|weapons= 1x Spinal mounted Gauss cannon 10x pop-up 10mm point-defense.

White with black highlights.
Stylized winged silver fox overlaying the moon.
== Layout ==
Deck Layout
"Gun Deck" - Bow to Stern
Pool, Main Airlocks( with Companionways down), Loader(Port)-Ammo(starboard), Armory(port)-Workshop(starboard), Cargo, Air Hanger
Main Deck - Bow to Stern
Storage, Companionways to upper deck, Guest/crew quarters, Living Area (Mess-Lounge-Game room-First Aid), Bridge, Captain's Quarters, Ground Hanger
Overall internal styling, seamless blend of Ultra-modern Trekkie, Polished brass and wood. In a 'soft' utilitarian design.
The Pool Room has retractable shutters for the windows on the ceiling and walls. With a retractable cover for the pool itself. The pool itself is a odd design as the shallow 'end' is actually a round hump in the middle where the run for the gauss rifle passes through. Pool also doubles as a emergency heat sink for the ship.
The Bridge. A large wood and brass ship's wheel dominates the rear of the room with a holo ploting table forward of it.
== Auxillary Vehicles ==
Modified Federation Type-6 Shuttlecraft"Touch screens?, I had proper flight controls installed."
M12 LRV Warthog
== History ==
The Lunar Fox was a project started early 2018 by Dakota 'dane side. While it started quiet others where quickly pulled into it as he called in favors to help on different engineering challenges.
== Class Quirks ==
Swoosh! - The Lunar Fox's doors was designed with help from some Trekkie friends of his.
Always on Holiday - Oddly the ship doesn't seem to like being crewed by people in uniform.
Arrr! - Helm only responds if the pilot is wearing a pirate bandana.
== Trivia ==
Fenspace's Best-armed Houseboat.

{{Space Craft}}
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel


Messages In This Thread
[RFC] Lunar Fox - by Dakota - 01-31-2013, 05:16 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 01-31-2013, 05:20 PM

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