Mysterious messages are mysterious...
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Quote:{Incoming Message. Source: C-Sec Grand Central}Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
{Public Key Decryption Complete}
* I hope this makes more sense to you, because I've read it three times now and still I don't get it.
---Begin Forwarded Message---
{Incoming Message. Source: Saeletra}
{Public Key Decryption Complete}
* Level 1 warning from ITG to C-Sec GateCon / ConCom. Gate destinaton designation PKX-18901 aka "Tellus Secundus" registers strong async activity. Recon team should expect unexpected on surface insertion. Recommend total repeat TOTAL blackbox quarantine of Tellus Secundus, no raw handwavium techno allowed past Grand Central or beyond 100 gate radii if not possible. Blackbox should on no account reach surface of Secundus. ITG predicts possible Comstock Spike if blackboxes are released into wild with unfriendly results. Derived tech OK for surface. No reply necessary.
{Incoming Message. Source: C-Sec Prime}
{Public Key Decryption Complete}
* Makes enough sense to me; our Special Friends think bringing straight wavetech down to Secundus might start something we can't finish. Frankly, we agree with the assessment. Tell Fnord's mob to leave any blackboxes they have at home for this run.
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"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"