To: all-call@nation.fen
From: Seele Council (monolithsociety@pavonis.fen)
Subj: -Third Annual Fleamarket Soon To Open-
Date: 01-11-2022 - 15:03 UTC
While the Pavonis fleamarket has previously been a local thing amongst we NERVers and the Elies, last year we on the council received more than just a few e-mails in regards to possibly opeing things up to the public. We, your humble corporate overlords in the Monolith Appreciation Society, have listened to these requests and come to a conclusion.
Come on down!!!
The 3rd Annual Pavonis Fleamarket will be open from the 25th to the 31st and will be held in the Sheffield Community Centre (and several nearby warehouses, if necessary). To claim a space at which to hawk you wares (no charge), contact Mr. Jarvis at dontaskjeeves@pavonis.fen.
Of particular note this year is what the NERV Foundation will be bringing to the table. Thanks to tip off from a friend on the net, I recently managed to acquire most of the lifetime collection of a late psuedo-doomsday prepper (his relatives wish him to remain anonymous) from Wherethedulockami, Michigan. Since this incognito fellow sold off his salt mining company in the late 80s, he's been hoarding enough junk for trade and survival in that vague, post-apocalyptic wasteland of the future in one of his company's old mines that those guys from American Pickers would sell their left arms to rumage through.
Some of the things he managed to pile up are real head-scratchers, folks. Amidst a plethora of various junk and tech (in various states of disrepair, which is apparently how he afforded so much of it), we have three VW Schwimmwagens, a Victor Coca-Cola Hot Dog Kooler Grill, several Thunderbolt warning sirens, a trailer full's worth of obsolete Apples and IBMs, and, get this, _four freakin' UNIVACs_. Other than these oddballs, if its from the late 40s to early 90s and generally considered attic or celar-worthy, he grabbed it.
We on the Seele Council and in the NERV Foundation look forward to seeing you later this month. And remember, if your product says NERV - it had better be one of my T-Series units talking, or you should run for the hills.
Alex Xanatos
Commander of NERV
"God's in His Heaven, all's right with the world."
Just an idea I had that may help get my and others creative juices running. *shrugs*
From: Seele Council (monolithsociety@pavonis.fen)
Subj: -Third Annual Fleamarket Soon To Open-
Date: 01-11-2022 - 15:03 UTC
While the Pavonis fleamarket has previously been a local thing amongst we NERVers and the Elies, last year we on the council received more than just a few e-mails in regards to possibly opeing things up to the public. We, your humble corporate overlords in the Monolith Appreciation Society, have listened to these requests and come to a conclusion.
Come on down!!!
The 3rd Annual Pavonis Fleamarket will be open from the 25th to the 31st and will be held in the Sheffield Community Centre (and several nearby warehouses, if necessary). To claim a space at which to hawk you wares (no charge), contact Mr. Jarvis at dontaskjeeves@pavonis.fen.
Of particular note this year is what the NERV Foundation will be bringing to the table. Thanks to tip off from a friend on the net, I recently managed to acquire most of the lifetime collection of a late psuedo-doomsday prepper (his relatives wish him to remain anonymous) from Wherethedulockami, Michigan. Since this incognito fellow sold off his salt mining company in the late 80s, he's been hoarding enough junk for trade and survival in that vague, post-apocalyptic wasteland of the future in one of his company's old mines that those guys from American Pickers would sell their left arms to rumage through.
Some of the things he managed to pile up are real head-scratchers, folks. Amidst a plethora of various junk and tech (in various states of disrepair, which is apparently how he afforded so much of it), we have three VW Schwimmwagens, a Victor Coca-Cola Hot Dog Kooler Grill, several Thunderbolt warning sirens, a trailer full's worth of obsolete Apples and IBMs, and, get this, _four freakin' UNIVACs_. Other than these oddballs, if its from the late 40s to early 90s and generally considered attic or celar-worthy, he grabbed it.
We on the Seele Council and in the NERV Foundation look forward to seeing you later this month. And remember, if your product says NERV - it had better be one of my T-Series units talking, or you should run for the hills.
Alex Xanatos
Commander of NERV
"God's in His Heaven, all's right with the world."
Just an idea I had that may help get my and others creative juices running. *shrugs*
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
“They opened up a can’a dumbass!” – Jon Stewart regarding Fox News, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein
“They opened up a can’a dumbass!” – Jon Stewart regarding Fox News, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein