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Space Kaitou: Helium Heist
Space Kaitou: Helium Heist
To: all-call@nation.fen
From: The White Phantom (WhitePhantom@Kaitou.fen)
Subj: The Riddle
Date: 06-05-2021 - 00:01 UTC
When Fear sees Terror's silhouette,
I shall come for the blood dripping off the Crimson Spear in the home of the second Noble.

I shall see you at the scene of the crime.
The White Phantom
A few days before...
To: smof-news@smofcon.fen
From:"Phillip O. Zephyr" KaitouAdmin@Kaitou.fen
Subj: Heist Data
Date: 06-03-2021 - 12:15 UTC
Alright, there's less than thirty-six hours until we go live with the Riddle.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank various Helium officials again, for not throwing out our performance art request at the last minute by mistake. We really don't want a repeat of that incident on Kandor, and I'm pretty nobody else does either.
Anyway, just in case somebody missed it before, I'll explain the heist again. We're going to be going after the Bloody Tears, a set of rubies on display, on the top floor of Jeddak's Tower.
The heist is scheduled to begin when Phobos is eclipsed by both Mars and Deimos. So, right around nine PM on the tenth of July.
Our face Kaitou's going to be putting in appearance about ten minutes beforehand on the roof of the nearby Yutani building. After letting his cloak flutter dramatically in the wind for a bit, we'll be launching our sky Kaitou via concealed catapult. Sky Kaitou will fly up, snap his glider wings out, and then crash though the north facing windows. They've already been replaced with a material less likely to leave our guy a smear on the windshield. For any clever spectaters that figure out the riddle and go up to the top, there's been a scheduled pressurization issue. That way, it's mandatory for everyone to at least have a good helmet on. We'll have a guy on scene distributing cheap rental suits too, just in case sombody's a little forgetful.
Sky Kaitou will have a mock battle with some of the guards in place. I'm going to say this again. It's going to be a mock battle. This has all been choreographed in advance. Will the appropriate parties please make sure that any Trouble Shooters in the audience don't draw their weapons and intervene?
Afterward, there'll be some dramatic cape flaring, before the Bloody Tears get picked up. The Ruby case has already been tricked out to unfold at the appropriate moment. Sky Kaitou will pull a little sleight of hand, do a pose with the Tears, and then jump out the south window. He'll land in our catcher's net a floor down, and be reeled in before anyone sees where he went. Then Bike Kaitou will launch on a swoop bike, and lead a merry chase of patrol-craft around the towers of the Helium. We've already laid out our route and cleared it with local law enforcement, so there's no chance of this turning into a mobile accident waiting to happen.
Special thanks to the volunteers in the Helium Police Department for working with us on this, and to Inspector Aki for deciding not to allow units in pursuit to take potshots at our Kaitous.
And just to clarify; the Bloody Tears will be swapped with props for the duration of the Heist. Our Kaitou will not be taking the actual rubies. This should have been cleared up by now, but we keep getting polite warnings to return what we take. After the Heist, the Bloody Tears will not be on display for a week, not because we stole them, but because the curator of the exhibit agreed to not display them until we returned our prop Tears in a highly visible way.
Alright, that takes care of the Heist bits. We'll be posting our line up of Detectives the usual way a few days from now. One of our usual guys got caught up in a little accident, and doesn't quite fill out the trench-coat the same anymore. Whether or not she'll go forward as is, or if we'll find somebody else is still in the air.
So, last chance to slam the brakes on the operation, folks. Once the Riddle goes out, we're locked into the performance. If you have any questions or concerns, now's the time to bring them up.
-Phillip O. Zephyr
'A little magic makes life interesting.'
[A/N] So begins the first real hesit. In universe, this is probably the third or fourth 'performance' this crew has done. They've worked out some of the kinks in their operations, gotten shot at a few times, and gotten quite a bit better at coordinating with other people so there's less freak outs about thefts of high profile objects. This just happens to be the first one written.
There's some nudges to past incidents in the above, but none of it's really fleshed out. If you want to write back about something, go for it.
Now, I get that the tone is perhaps a little irreverent in sections. This is because Phil (the first one I've named in the Kaitou crew) is a little upset about past instances where his guys have been shot at by people who didn't get the memo that this is supposed a show, not an actual crime in progress. So he goes out of his way to clarify things.
Anyway, I'm just going to flesh out Phil quick. He's basically the band manager. He plans the gigs, secures the venue, gets the noice permits, schedules the tours, and all that other fun stuff. In other words, his job is to make sure no one either sues them for property damage or drags them off to jail for commiting grand larceny. It also means stopping people from shooting at his guys.
His name is also a pun, but that's neither here nor there.
Also, about the riddle. I have no idea how to go about predicting celestial movement, so I'm just making up times and dates. And I don't know if I used the proper terminology for that situation. Or if my riddle was comprehensible at all, really. Or if Bloody Tears is really an acceptable name for jewelry. I made it up to sound cool, but who'd actually wear or commision something like that? Geeze.

Messages In This Thread
Space Kaitou: Helium Heist - by shaderic - 02-22-2013, 02:29 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 02-22-2013, 04:28 AM
[No subject] - by Rajvik - 02-22-2013, 06:10 PM

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